Solid on SAFE Updates

Why Solid on SAFE?

New post on dWeb Blog: Why Solid on SAFE? the content of which is self explanatory. Please read and share if you think it interesting to others.

My thanks to:

  • @david-beinn for being guest editor and vastly improving the piece
  • @Dimitar for the header image (credited at the top if you look carefully)
  • @Nigel for his earlier safegit image (belatedly credited at the top of that post!)

One area Solid is getting ahead of SAFE is helping developers by creating tools and libraries for building apps.

The good news is that using Solid on SAFE, many of these will be useful for building apps on SAFE anyway, with the added bonus of them separating data from the apps, and preventing users being locked in.

Here’s a taster: Solid UI widgets for chat, notes and so on. There are lots more goodies for building apps already, and more being created:


Looking forward with excitement on what Solid and SAFE will show/bring us when the network goes live. :heart_eyes:


A little preview because I love visualisation apps. Here is spoggy running with the latest SAFE Browser (locally, not on the shared vault yet). Here’s a screenshot of it showing some of the files and folders at safe://dweb/


It’s getting interesting for sure :+1:


Woah that’s quite something! I’m also a fan of visualisations and graphs. They make concepts come alive. Nice work @happybeing
EDIT: @happybeing’s post on Solid forum if anyone fancies giving it a like.

We should be encouraging more of this sort of thing.father-ted


Great article @happybeing ! Gave me a lot of clarity. Wondering if, through a browser plugin that could access SAFE (normal browser, not SAFE browser), whether Solid on SAFE could be leveraged to work on the clear-net too -but with many of the benefits of SAFE. Would compete then with the other Solid project, but could be better maybe.

Keep up the great effort! :wink:


Glad the article was useful, thanks for the feedback!

What you ask is possible but a lot of work. Also I think there may be a problem, with Chrome at least, not allowing a plugin to add the safe: protocol.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Setting up a Commons dWeb Blog

Here’s a summary of a session about Solid given recently in Amsterdam.

I think it’s useful for showing the direction of the project and it’s progress in tackling the issue of making RDF/Linked Data easier for developers of applications.–_1st_Session_Summary

Info via


I wrote a thing on the Solid forum about building an app out of RDF, and maybe creating the ‘spreadsheet of the RDF world’:


Ditto…browser plugin to work on clearnet as well will be awesome…a great way to increase adoption…all for it…:+1::+1:

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Solid being trialled in Manchester UK:

Speaking in a pre-recorded video about the digital platform and the collaboration with his company, Inrupt, creator of the World Wide Web Sir Tim Berners-Lee said: “Greater Manchester was one of the first areas to recognise how our technology, Solid, can be used to improve services and empower individuals. We’re really excited about pioneering the future of healthcare with you. Let’s change the status quo again – for good.” (Emphasis mine, link)

Something to keep an eye on, and note possible contacts as they will find Solid lacking in key respects which Solid on SAFE can address. Especially for you @Shane?

Solid is not ready for managing healthcare data IMO, nor any sensitive data.



IMO, SOLID becomes much more appealing when it is combined with SAFENetwork. It feels like together they provide a better, safer, more integrated solution.

I’d say this goes both ways too - SAFENetwork without SOLID would be a worse developer and user experience. Having SOLID as the primary protocol for designing client apps with a SAFENetwork back end would be really beneficial.


Imo SAFE is perfectly fine with or without SOLID. It is just one of many flavors possible (not my favorite).


Be good if we could get Bruce Schneier to take a close look at SAFE - and hopefully be impressed and blog about it.
He has an incredible reach.

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And 10 years ago a $40,000 bill to even read a single paper for us. We said no thanks at the time.



that was 10 years ago, this is now :slight_smile:

Tell him about the Good Stuff we are doing with BLS and DKG …

Natural language to SPARQL queries: