SAFE Network - Test 15

So apparently the network is full. I’ve tried to register and I got an error:



I have 5 AWS instances running now - None are more than 50% full - one just under 40%.


Same error for me, just tried to create a new account.
My vault is at 2.7GB

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Same here, around 2.7 GB.

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Same :
NfsError → NfsError::CoreError → Network full

I have one vault at 2.4 and one at 2.7 GB

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I am comparing
“max_capacity”: 5368709120,
ubuntu@ip-172-31-24-125:/tmp/safe_vault_chunk_store$ du -h
2.5G .
ubuntu@ip-172-31-24-125:/tmp/safe_vault_chunk_store$ du
2542560 .

Must admit I havent actually tried to create a new account…
And I won’t for now cos RealJob calls…

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Same error. Network Full.

Can create a new user but Demo fail.

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I guess you can’t fill them to the max or there would be no room for churn?


yep ^^ thats exactly the reason, so currently vaults will only go upto 50% of their capacity before rejecting new client data. remaining is left over to accommodate for churned data being relocated to existing vaults.


d’oh… of course. Sometimes I wonder if I should be allowed out on my own for failing to spot the bleedin obvious…


I’d me more than happy to allocate substantially more space and presume if we all do so we can breath a few more days of life into the test.
Will a few more days be sufficient to show it is stable enough for Alpha 2?
More importantly is Alpha 2 even possible if any div with a script can fill a network without defenses in place?


I set mine to “max_capacity”: 15368709120 but I don’t know if that limit is being applied or hardcoded to 5GB.


Maybe the solution is to stop with giving 500 free puts and instead open a faucet. You could then apply for coins and it could be throttled (proof of human, limit per day, etc)

It could be a basic alpha test safecoin, without the farming rewards, in short.


I would say the answer is “No”. Test 16 will need to implement spam prevention or rate limiting, and then it would be Test 16 that becomes Alpha 2.


limited to about 7Gb on the AWS t2 micro instances so really I can only add an effective 5X1GB but if we all max out maybe we can keep it up long enough to let the devs implement some work around.

Strong hint: Good enough will do. Do not agonise over “perfect” to get around this choob for now.
What matters is the network stays up to let us all get on with developing apps.


Better this happen to test 15 than alpha 2. This is obviously no indication of network failure as we all know but it’s definitely an issue for new testers coming online so. Hopefully this can have a quick fix so we’re not “alphaless” for much longer :smile:


Was thinking the same. If whomever did this had any real smarts it would have been more disruptive during Alpha 2. So this is good.


For test purposes wouldn’t this be pretty easy to solve by asking people to sign up for alpha 2 and then each sign up is emailed some kind of key to be able to create an account?


I’ve just put up another 3 x notionally 15GB… mostly cause I like the idea of having global influence: one in Tokyo; one in Sydney; one in Amsterdam… butterfly effect with tech :smiley:


Limit accounts to 100 PUTS ( or whatever) and then some mechanism for granting extra PUTS to known users only?
Hardly in the spirit of the project so far, but we should do what is necessary until SAFEcoin is ready.