MaidSafeCoin (MAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 1)

Rising BTC prices will also allow the team to sell some BTC to power through this latest build. Good all around.


I can’t wait for the real action on Maidsafe to start but that will be down the track a bit, imo


Nice spike! But Maidsafe price its going hand in hand with this bitcoin price rise. I think we are still hanging on the coattails of bitcoin.

Looks like bots/traders are already taking profits.

With the recent test nets, we should really be decoupled from bitcoin.
The moment we move without any movement in bitcoin, that’s when we will need to hold on to our hats. Which should be soooooon. :slight_smile:


Yeah I expect it to settle down back to 11 cents before I invest more tomorrow.


Thought this graph was a thumbs up.

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Hard to see how it has any chance of decoupling from bitcoin anytime soon since ethereum still is basically tracing bitcoin. Feels like we are a very long way from that.


I took some modest profits… And Im ready to buy back once it slips down a little more


We’re seeing unprecedented amounts of money printing yet there is a lot of talk here about deflation? Assets will continue to rise relative to FIAT. Inflation is the central banks’ only get-out-of-jail card. And money-printing the only tool they have left.


Or they fix gold at, say, 10k??

Do you guys think we will have Fleming by New Years? I know there is no way to really know but based on progress so far.


The optimistic side of me says yes. The pessimistic side says there will always be something to fix and when do we stop doing that and just release.


I think so but it is impossible to say anything for sure. Safecoin and now Farming are well into development after years and years of just rough outlines and no working/integrated code. Seems as though we’re pretty close ish to multi section but I think the CRDT policy stuff and pearsec removal will be the main objective and then probably a push to tie all that together with multi section. A lot of this stuff once it starts to converge will seem like an astonishing pace. Then apis and docs will have to be up to speed as the safe network app and the MVE stuff is wired up. I suppose it’s not unreasonable to assume mid 2021 either to make a more conservative estimate.


It looks like It’s never ending, the task is so big, I remember that in beginning this year it looked, like I’ts jus few tasks before fleming, but after more than 7 months, fleming looks far far away, I really think they will take another 2 years and they could ask another funding, because of small team and big tasks, I hope It’s worth to wait, but sadly we will miss another bull run.



Life never ends. (Tasks forever begin.)
Neither do infinite loops. Unfortunately, this one is you.
SAFE Net will be its own bull run. Anything less is denial.


Have you ever climbed a mountain? It is exactly like this: you look at the next peak, and think it is the top, but then there is another peak after that. And it goes on and on, you start to lose your faith, but then it ends. The actual peak does not look any different in advance, you only realize you are there when there are no peaks ahead.


Just look at all these green ticks.

Farming and vaults from home are just around the corner.

We really don’t have that much longer to go till we get that up gradable network - and then we are pretty much done. Other features will be part of upgrades.

This past week I have walked 2 people through setting up wallets, buying bitcoin and buying maidsafe. Partly due to the state the world is in, and they are spreading their money around, and… this project is looking like a good investment for early smart money. They were impressed with my short summary of the last test net.


We are on track now and making great progress. No to a network that did not follow the original design principles but to the actual SAFE network as envisaged so many years ago and sold to investors in 2014. That network is lighter, faster and much more natural than the network pushed for in the last few years. We now are on the verge of the actual SAFE network and that is great. It’s been a very exhausting ride and the last 12-18 months were horribly difficult, but in the end the network can only work in the way we are now building it.

We will have parsec gone soon, no more false and unnatural network invariant. This is now the real deal, the natural network based on natural design where errors happen and are recoverable as opposed to a network where an error brings the whole thing down as it broke an invariant.

A huge difference is the team, now we are heavily weighted with community first Engineers. That passion is essential to success and we have that a plenty now. The passion to launch and launch everything at once is the biggest driver we have had. No more debates over absolute must have total order for everything before acting. Now we have a network where things happen, order is guaranteed, but over time and where infrastructure knowledge is transferred with every section message, we have farming started, safecoin in place and much more, things that were thought to be years and years after Fleming.

So this is it folks, the real deal, not a side show or partial view of the network, but Fleming is coming with batteries included. It won’t upgrade but that last part will happen very soon. Then we can debate algorithms for costs/distributions and much more, but we can have those debates with a live network and not a dream network.

It took time and we had so many side streets it was dizzy, but we are hard and fast on track to a solid roadmap here. That roadmap is really simple for Fleming, Launch everything, leave out nothing This means what was previously seen as years of work, being compressed into the last few months. It will happen, but it will happen correctly.