What’s up today? (Part 1)

Goodbye, Mr. Bond - Sean Connery Dies At 90.


Defendants Hayes, Delo and Reed looted about $440,308,400 of proceeds of various nefarious activities that took place on the BitMEX platform from Defendant HDR accounts," the suit alleges.

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Every generation must refresh the fight for liberty or lose it…



Couldn’t you consider money locked up in Safe by how much storage has been bought? Trying to draw a parallel here with DeFi. Since data is pay once and perpetual then one could say that value is locked up. Now it’s only publicly beneficial if it’s public data.

I wonder if there will be metrics available to know how much data is stored? Maybe per section and then added together for a global amount / number of redundant chunk copies.

If millions, billions, eventually trillions of dollars worth of public data is stored then can you consider that money locked up? Or just transferred? The dividend or yield is potentially valuable public data.
Different/odd way to look at it perhaps.

I suppose what people will most likely want is monetary yield. Could be another argument or spin for PtP. People could just upload whatever they have to be labeled, indexed, etc and for any unique and popular content they get a higher yield. It’s late, I’m cray, time for bed!

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I argue that when we talk about data, we must divide it according to its value to the individual person.

For me, only my data is valuable. Your data costs me nothing, if you lose all your data it will be irrelevant to me.

The same goes if everyone else loses their personal data. What will be my loss if the network dies? 2-3-10 $? I have a copy of the data that is important to me and if the network dies I will just copy it elsewhere.

That said, I think that sometime in the future, the network will store data that is not mine, but for which I care about.

For example, I can easily imagine having an autonomous car that uses the Safe Network and when I don’t use it I let other people use it to bring me passive income.

In this I hope not-too-distant future, it will matter to me whether the network works because it will feed me.

Therefore, in my opinion, what will protect the network in the first years is not the amount of data stored in it, but the faith of the people.

What can raise faith? One of the things is a Foundation that gets some of the inflation and buys storage in the network to bring in people and projects to use it for free.


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I think the traditional belief in systems, money and the state is replaced by open source, decentralization and anonymity.

If there is Company or Foundation, it will be controlled by state like as Bitmex. Therefore, the decentralization project led by the foundation is very paradoxical. These days I am understanding the importance of anonymity.


Alexa can’t understand angry Scottish woman.
:rofl: :sweat_smile: :laughing: :grinning:


If you’re OK with the network being developed by 1 company in the beginning, I don’t see why you’re against the network being promoted by 1 foundation in the beginning?

When things move forward, we can use the same process which will decentralize the development with the Foundation…

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I give it eleven minutes before @happybeing posts the clip wi the Scots guys in the voice-activated lift


The fact she had to us an english accent topped off for me. :grinning: She was already annoyed but that did it.


“Alexa, stop stripping away my cultural identity by forcing me to use American english.”; Alexa: “I’m sorry, that task has been designated by my master Jeff Beelzebub, in order to homogenize society and hence to make it easier to sell Amazon products, thus I am unable to comply.”


The Swedish speaking world is currently having a collective laugh at Amazon who just launched a Swedish version of their site. Apparently somebody at Amazon figured they can’t afford to pay a human translator, so they used a machine that seems to have done a worse job than even Google Translate. Amazon is now selling e.g. “prostitute earrings”, “big DIY dicks” and “rape curtains”.

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39 posts were split to a new topic: Covid and the Great Reset