Watch this video! :)

Well, that clears everything up …


A little shocking to see a US senator speak so positively of bitcoin.

Former state treasurer, says she was always looking for a good store of value, apparently she thinks that bitcoin is that store of value.


Find out how HMRC is approaching Cryptoasset taxation in the UK, and how institutions and individuals are navigating this uncharted territory both in this jurisdiction and around the world.

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Dylan Beattie has some very good videos on youtube.

You are going to have to watch this whole video if you want to spot the above image in it. :slight_smile:

History doesn’t repeat, but it definitely rhymes.

Kinda excited, I hope it delivers.


Am looking forward to this release, but this preview is fake.

Some of the clips are from this movie…


So much for believing “official trailer” I was somewhat underwhelmed by the trailer so I am happy it is fake! Excited nonetheless.

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@ElsieDee – re: freemasonry.


I fully support the message of that video. But I can’t for the life of me understand how you can post that, and at the same time find Trump appealing.


Why do people assume this. I don’t like Trump … I just Hate the alternative even more. I also prefer to have the mainline oligarchs in the passenger seat, not the drivers seat -as IMO they are extreme leftists. Trump is hated by the mainline oligarchy, so I favor him over Biden - who’s their made man.

I don’t listen to what politicians say - I pay attention to what they DO and who likes or hates it … I find that a lot more informative than their colorful words.


The Fermi paradox is becoming less and less a paradox as we come to understand how rare the Earth is.

Now that the last case seems to be done, I think it’s save to listen to this guy rant about Trump. The beginning five minutes is the best rant I’ve heard in the longest time about this whole fiasco.

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“A toddler raised by wolves”

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It is disgusting to the deepest level…

But lets not forget who are truly behind this, it is the truly satanic cult that right now rolling out a new scheme.

IMO, the ‘human system’ has many internally competing drives (which are required for survival -so says evolution) and hence maximization of any single one drive can’t occur. If you have a true AGI, then I’d reason that the same would be true (many competing drives) - otherwise it would be depending upon humans (at some level) for it’s survival/existence and hence it’d be more like an AI, not an AGI. A focused AI on the other hand would be hypothetically more problematic as a maximizer, but then again, being dependent on humans for it’s base survival, it won’t be able to defend itself - being too focused, so again not a problem. All of this just seems an academic argument and much ado about nothing in the end.

What do you think?

I don’t disagree with you on the likely structure of AI, nor do I have much idea what it will or could be like. I’m not sure about the implication that AI would need to not be dependent on humans for survival - or maybe it’s the way this sounds. We are all dependent on humans for survival, so maybe you mean something about autonomy rather that survival?

Humans also depend on bees, worms, whales, bacteria etc. Cattle and other domesticated animals are dependent on us, but bees? Bees are more autonomous but domestic livestock much less so. Bacteria are the most durable of all so…

I suppose I’m leaning towards it being very difficult to infer the qualities of human created AI from observations about life. It’s so rich and diverse.

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