User run network based on test 12b binaries

this makes a lot of sense, thank you ! globally I understand these figures are within “my” horizon, and do not express anything outside that. the node prefix will give some hints with the new naming you describe here


About half an hour ago, I stopped my node when network had 19 nodes. Then I restarted another one with a better formula to give the exact total number of nodes when routing table has a complete coverage of whole network (which is true up to about 40-50 nodes in the network).

Still 19 nodes in the network now.

I had 3.2 GB of data when I stopped. Now I have 1.8 GB but the space is filling up steadily. More than half the space => It will take less than one hour to refill my vault.

Here is a screenshot of my DO droplet:


My vault refill is finished now with 2.9 GB of data on disk.

Here is a screenshot with complete restart of the vault in my DO droplet (proof of resource and subsequent refill emphasized). It shows that starting a vault is very costly, but then steady-state cost is minimal:


I’ll guess we’ll see more in upcoming community networks as hole punching is fixed.


20 nodes now - I restarted one of my AWS instances which had failed around 0600UTC with an out-of-memory error.
Obviously this will need careful looking at but I dunno if I have the skills to diagnose properly.
Or is it even worth bothering about as we can expect new binaries soon (hopefully) from Troon?
What really matters is the network kept running for everyone else.

Someone should whip up a version that has resource proof set at 0.5mbit, this would allow much larger participation.


Once the bugs revealed in the official 12_b are sorted - There are advantages to keeping this relatively small right now or we will simply run into the same problems


Probably a daft question - but then I firmly believe the only daft question is the one you didn’t ask…

Is there any way of shutting down a vault gracefully? Or do we just kill the process/reboot/BigRedSwitch?

I want to take down my vaults and restart each instance with screen or maybe even tmux this time so I can reattach as necessary to save having these terminal windows around.

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Awesome to see what’s happening… Actually you guys are running only interconnected low-latency vaults now if i’m correct… Only aws and vultr …

:cry: I couldn’t participate yet because of time issues but as fast I can will join with aws or digitalocean :grinning:


I’m running Vault from home as well. 21 Vaults in RT right now. Will have to look at AWS and open the right port and run a free node as well. Quite cool indeed.


Digital Ocean for me (5$/month plan with 512MB memory, 20GB SSD disk, 1TB transfer)


In Linux IIRC kill <pid> will send a SEGTERM request that gives the process opportunity to handle that request… and then graceful shutdown, where the -9 is not a request.

I don’t know, if the vault spawns only one process… it seems the launcher spawns a number of similarly named processes; so, in that case where there are many pids, it’s not obvious which to choose as pid.

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Holy crap. I was gone for awhile, and this place blew up. Amazing!

Is there any way of shutting down a vault gracefully?

I asked this a month back, and devs said that they plan to implement it some day in future. There is no grace period to shutdown like I2P yet… I basically pkill __ -9 or Ctrl+C to cancel the process.


I also have some money left on digitalOcean. I was running a tor relay for 1.5y but lost the ssh key to the droplet and couldn’t access it anymore to update it, so I closed it last week (:rofl: good lesson)

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very impressive :slight_smile: beautiful music (not the one i usually listen to - but nonetheless marvelous)

Awesome game!!! :smiley:

ps: prediction for safecoin price (first spin - so it has to be 99.9% accurate):


btw - if you want to create a bitcoin wallet: safe://bitaddress.badger/

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Great idea bro!


I dunno - went out to the shops - came back in and both AWD instances have stopped with no obvious err msg
INFO 15:38:00.309966965 [routing::states::node] ---------------------------------------------------------------
INFO 15:38:00.310172604 [routing::states::node] | Node(2f4a61…()) PeerId(b74d6162…) - Routing Table size: 21 |
INFO 15:38:00.310285956 [routing::states::node] ---------------------------------------------------------------
INFO 15:38:38.364347974 [routing::states::node] Node(2f4a61…()) Expecting candidate 5c448d… via Client { client_name: 11420c…, proxy_node_name: 4abcb9…, peer_id: PeerId(3f991e10…) }.
INFO 15:38:39.879358552 [routing::states::node] Node(2f4a61…()) Our section with Prefix() accepted 5c448d… as a candidate.
INFO 15:40:44.697610965 [routing::states::node] Node(2f4a61…()) Sending resource proof challenge to candidate 5c448d…
INFO 15:42:35.106203483 [routing::states::node] Node(2f4a61…()) Candidate 5c448d… passed our challenge in 237 seconds. Sending approval to our section with Prefix().
INFO 15:42:35.106457703 [routing::states::node] Node(2f4a61…()) Resource proof duration has finished. Voting to approve candidate 5c448d…
INFO 15:44:19.591739453 [routing::stats] Stats - Sent 45000 messages in total, comprising 296181185 bytes, 2 uncategorised, routes/failed: [18690, 18, 16, 3]/487
INFO 15:44:19.591957236 [routing::stats] Stats - Direct - NodeIdentify: 2, CandidateIdentify: 21, MessageSignature: 12599, ResourceProof: 2/8736/556, SectionListSignature: 569
INFO 15:44:19.592072314 [routing::stats] Stats - Hops (Request/Response) - GetNodeName: 1/0, ExpectCandidate: 21, AcceptAsCandidate: 0, SectionUpdate: 0, SectionSplit: 0, OwnSectionMerge: 0, OtherSectionMerge: 0, RoutingTable: 130/0, ConnectionInfo: 22/2, CandidateApproval: 0, NodeApproval: 0, Ack: 18360
INFO 15:44:19.592203773 [routing::stats] Stats - User (Request/Success/Failure) - Get: 645/607/5, Put: 314/240/1, Post: 10/2/1, Delete: 0/0/0, Append: 0/0/0, GetAccountInfo: 5/2/0, Refresh: 2145

and also

    INFO 15:47:32.166381185 [safe_vault::personas::maid_manager] Managing 85 client accounts.
INFO 15:50:37.783094946 [routing::states::common::base] Node(0e3c76..()) Connection to PeerId(5a2f62cf..) failed: PeerNotFound(PeerId(5a2f62cf..))
INFO 15:50:37.783328871 [routing::states::node] Node(0e3c76..()) - Connected clients: 1, cumulative: 1
INFO 15:50:56.439439855 [routing::states::node] Node(0e3c76..()) - Connected clients: 0, cumulative: 1
INFO 15:51:05.867753350 [routing::states::common::base] Node(0e3c76..()) Connection to PeerId(4f151422..) failed: PeerNotFound(PeerId(4f151422..))
INFO 15:51:05.868001341 [routing::states::node] Node(0e3c76..()) - Connected clients: 1, cumulative: 2
INFO 15:51:07.342796295 [routing::stats] Stats - Sent 50000 messages in total, comprising 304698639 bytes, 4 uncategorised, routes/failed: [10317, 25, 23, 20, 16, 4]/73
INFO 15:51:07.343055132 [routing::stats] Stats - Direct - NodeIdentify: 4, CandidateIdentify: 21, MessageSignature: 22474, ResourceProof: 3/9898/587, SectionListSignature: 630
INFO 15:51:07.371727450 [routing::stats] Stats - Hops (Request/Response) - GetNodeName: 1/0, ExpectCandidate: 20, AcceptAsCandidate: 0, SectionUpdate: 0, SectionSplit: 0, OwnSectionMerge: 0, OtherSectionMerge: 0, RoutingTable: 207/0, ConnectionInfo: 21/4, CandidateApproval: 0, NodeApproval: 0, Ack: 10886
INFO 15:51:07.371860129 [routing::stats] Stats - User (Request/Success/Failure) - Get: 369/324/8, Put: 684/490/3, Post: 15/3/1, Delete: 0/0/0, Append: 0/0/0, GetAccountInfo: 4/1/0, Refresh: 3338
INFO 15:51:23.822411818 [routing::states::node] Node(0e3c76..()) - Connected clients: 0, cumulative: 2
INFO 15:55:35.598628003 [routing::stats] Stats - Sent 55000 messages in total, comprising 306727116 bytes, 4 uncategorised, routes/failed: [10365, 25, 23, 20, 16, 4, 4, 4]/599
INFO 15:55:35.598867271 [routing::stats] Stats - Direct - NodeIdentify: 4, CandidateIdentify: 21, MessageSignature: 26696, ResourceProof: 3/9898/587, SectionListSignature: 630
INFO 15:55:35.598996352 [routing::stats] Stats - Hops (Request/Response) - GetNodeName: 1/0, ExpectCandidate: 20, AcceptAsCandidate: 0, SectionUpdate: 0, SectionSplit: 0, OwnSectionMerge: 0, OtherSectionMerge: 0, RoutingTable: 228/0, ConnectionInfo: 21/4, CandidateApproval: 0, NodeApproval: 0, Ack: 11179
INFO 15:55:35.599144532 [routing::stats] Stats - User (Request/Success/Failure) - Get: 399/324/8, Put: 782/562/3, Post: 20/3/1, Delete: 0/0/0, Append: 0/0/0, GetAccountInfo: 4/1/0, Refresh: 3597

Going to restart them but until get this sorted , prob best to remove me from the seed nodes and :frowning:

The launcher config file will also require the above changes so the launcher can connect to the network

Hmm not able to connect to the safe launcher at all. I copy and paste the code from the OP post. Is there something I am missing?

Safe launcher version 0.10.1

My internet is slow at this moment out so I will not run the vault.


INFO 16:33:52.353062826 [safe_core::core::client::message_queue] Received a Terminate event. Informing 1 observers.
WARN 16:33:52.353079512 [safe_core::core::client] Could not connect to the Network. Unexpected: Disconnected
INFO 16:33:52.353355776 [safe_core::ffi::session]
FFI cross-boundary error propagation:

ERRNO: -15 FfiError::CoreError → Operation aborted - CoreError::OperationAborted

the config in the OP is for vaults, for the launcher you’d need

“tcp_acceptor_port”: null,

the other lines are the same

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