Safe Network Dev Update - January 28, 2021

No worries, here’s what I do - following the CLI User Guide

Delete ~./safe and reinstall everything from scratch

Start the local network safe node run-baby-fleming
Create a new node (optional I think): safe node join
Start the authenticator: safe auth start
Check it’s running: safe auth status
Create: a safe safe auth create --test-coins
Login: safe auth unlock --self-auth
To upload a file my_file do: safe files put ./my_file
Or to upload a folder, create a folder called to-upload (or whatever) and put a couple of files in it (best start with small ones).
Then in the parent folder of to-upload run: safe files put ./to-upload/ --recursive

If it works you should see something like FilesContainer created at: "safe://hyryyry6fh7cnenii5z1b7a3jcr5bd8jyojtxnkt6n8195b48hsf43bobnonra" plus a list of files.