SAFE Network concerns from an old employee

This was my main criticism on metzdowd. The most difficult problems are still unresolved; implementing solutions in this architecture is far more difficult than discussing the very high-level ideas being proposed. It certainly “feels” like there is a way out of this, but after all of these years the major progress has been to re-work the network topology / message forwarding / group selection with disjoint groups.

If you have not seen it, check out Greg Maxwell’s post about proof-of-storage, and the resulting project BurstCoin. BurstCoin stores complete garbage to your hard-drive, but there might be something to takeaway from it. Also, TOR does bandwidth estimation so it could be useful for comparison purposes.

As stated before, I thought the objection was to the difficulty of finding an address to a desired group. This thought was not absurd; @neo recently thought generating an address for a specific group would be difficult, even after I tried my best to explain that the difficulty will be low.

Once I realized that the confusion was in both, I tried to rhetorically ask questions that I hoped people would lead people to the fundamental voting issue:

@AndreasF if the thought has not crossed your mind yet - the “authority” of a blockchain system is the longest chain, and the ability to update/change that authority is proportional to the CPU power. A voting scheme is fundamentally different; if the node cannot “vote” in a given time-frame, their input for status of the entire history of the resource is irrelevant.

Read the post linked by @AndreasF above. There is still fundamentally a sybil issue that needs a solution, and group voting power provides ultimate authority on the resources for that group, message responses passing through it, and most likely group selection forgeries to any group desired (I was calling this login forgeries, which is confusing due to the clients account + login). The latter two are possible since generating an address for the desired group will be of low difficulty. There are simple things that may work, such as key-expiration, but this forces more churn. And the number of groups matter too - so counter-measures that delay vault-joining by IP or forced group moving is still potentially risky due to the number of factors and complexity involved.