PtP Suggestion - Lets Discuss

I suggest that the farmer should farm 100% and be reward free storage space, to be sold on the open market for safe coin.
an app dev and a content dev should water mark their data and awarded on access with safe coin.
Then a book is equally awarded as a an hour video as on safe tube and an app dev is awarded the same as a content dev.

The farmer will be able to set the price for storage on a exchange (supply and demand)
The dev’s will be the farmer of the 4.5billion coins until it runs out of supply and then it will exchange between the users.

@justin That’s an interesting idea. I quite like that. Anybody got any downsides to this?

this is baked into the network. No third party exchange needed.

I disagree. The network reacts to supply and demand, yes, but prices are not set according to supply and demand (in the sense that they are set on the open market).

To make this more clear, if the price for a PUT is too high for a user, they will simply not PUT. If SAFE GB was sold on the open market for SAFEcoin, then PUTters have an opportunity to bargain directly with farmers for the price of their storage.

And if the payout for farming is too low, then farmers will drop off. A network-wide price in either case may suit some farmers/users, but not others, depending on their particular economic situation. That’s why when the government engages in price setting (think USSR), you either get shortages (prices too low) or excessive surplus (prices too high).

Further, as I understand it, the network will raise the PUT price and farming rewards when supply of storage has already begun to approach a certain level. This is a delay in price reaction, as the price increases must necessarily follow storage levels falling. If the price were on the open market, then people on either end (farmers and users), are able to react to changing conditions before the network even becomes aware of it, such as electricity price increases that affect farmer profits. A farmer’s electricity bill rises, and so they raise the SAFEcoin price of the storage they offer, to avoid having a loss. The alternative is to switch off and reduce the total network capacity if they don’t want to continue that loss.

Do we really want the network to be lagging behind real-world economic change, or do we want anticipated price increases to be signalled ahead of time? As far as I can see, the only thing that affects the price is farmers coming on and offline, versus the current level of spare capacity. So the network is ‘blind’ to near-term change. Prices only increase once the damage has already begun.

As it stands, the network does not allow anyone to choose how many SAFEcoin they will trade per GB, only that they will or they won’t. So it’s not, “You can go to another seller to get a better deal if you think you can”, but it’s “Take it or leave it”. This is not a free market mechanism. If I wish to buy a chocolate bar, I can go to the local fuel station and pay a high price if I’m in a hurry, or I can take my time and go to the supermarket and get a lower price. A network-wide price takes options away and sets prices according to an algorithm, not true supply and demand.

OK, I’ve just read this and none of the other 63 yet, but are you not creating a solution to a non problem - at least from the Network’s perspective? Maidsafe are building a new information “Highway” - people will either use it or not - it will exist.
The builders of useful attractions/apps will attract both user content and Safecoin. These would be analogous to Taxi’s, Hotels, shopping malls, petrol stations, etc. Your suggestions seem to be aimed at the “app level” businesses, not the Network. These will sink or swim on usefulness and probably whether or not they pay for user content This would be a business decision for each individual app developer I’d have thought.
I don’t really see it as the “Network” rewarding the app developers in any case, just one app rewarding another, which was a business decision by Maidsafe to create a self-sustaining eco-system by creating a kind of symbiotic relationship between farmers and app developers I think. I see no reason myself to extend this beyond core dev and in an ideal world I wouldn’t even take that for granted for many reasons.
The Network Community should decide it’s direction…including the right to die!
I’d say don’t reward anybody anything at Network level insofar as that is possible and still have a functioning Network. :smile:

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