Pre-Dev-Update Thread! Yay! :D

ok, thats fine as long as the data entered by users during early versions/beta is still there. or will it be erased before the final launch ?

There is absolutely no indication that data from alphas or betas will be preserved.

There is a possibility that the last release candidate that turns into the actual network will maintain its data

EDIT: there is a lesser possibility that a few of the beta networks will maintain the data as the network is being upgraded towards launch but not guaranteed


thats when the adoption starts, when the data stays forever not before, so it would be nice to maintain the data as early as possible


Adoption will really on happen when the network is launched (maybe some during the release candidates - last betas). Before that will be early adopters who can handle these things

It will take more than data retention for real adoption


SafeNetwork without apps is not much useful. To make an App without SafeNetwork is not possible.
So since Fleming new developers can start making own projects to give SafeNetwork life.


I think it would be good to explicitly state that no data published on any of the test networks will be retained. Alphas, betas, RC:s and whatever they might be called are all just for testing by those who like the project and want to help out by developing or just catching bugs.


@maidsafe will the community be informed about the current financial status (as we know the funds might be shrinking fast- is there enough for 1,2 maybe 3 more months of development?), and what plan maidsafe have in the near future when it comes to finding a new source of funding the project for the next coming years? Or is all this a secret…

Aiming for release during October:

Aiming for release during November:


This is illogical questioning.

  • David has already said he will tell us in advance of any upcoming financial issues
  • If David is lying about that then what is to say he would not lie now to you

It is illogical since this question proves you did not believe him previously when he reassured you that he would give plenty of notice. And so why would you believe any answer now. Unless its doom answer.

And of course you ignore assurances of the fact there were other sources of finance happening.


Deathly quiet on the repos today, and not just Maidsafe but everything I follow so it might be a github notifications prob?


Nice way to wrap up the week! Exciting times!! :star_struck:


according to github no progress in node aging or BLS lately - are there some problems ? Just checked the task level board and Node aging is delayed now aiming for november…

This is from Thursday’s update. Github does not always reflect progress as has been told you many times now


I saw the update, there where 2 small tasks left for node aging 2 weeks ago according to the update, and still those are not tackled thus my question about maybe some new issues.

It’s software, there are always issues and will be until we get AI to code for us :wink:
We are doing a mass cleanup in parallel here and there is overlap where the cleanup fixes bugs that we see in tests, so rather than fix those incorrectly we are letting some cleanup fix them properly. This is Engineering so we will always see this, otherwise all we would need is typists :wink: Speed is very very good right now.


I’m becoming more and more convinced you’re trolling for fun. I find it difficult to believe a person who has followed this project for at least two years is genuinely this ignorant about software development. Please get lost, or at least shut up. Think about it, @moderators.


November is only 3 days away. Why the panic? It will happen

Relax people :man_shrugging: @anon94252342 did value more progress where he didn’t expect as much and now is a bit emotionally challenged because he expected some things to move faster… All just human reactions and asking questions when the world around you doesn’t match your expectations is a very healthy reaction imho…

Questions got asked - and the answers help everyone to understand better where we are so it’s a win for the community I would say :hugs:


I feel it helps and hinders. Good to know more detail, but it means we slow down to answer. So perhaps less snooping on single repositories and being adversarial in questions will help a lot. Otherwise we slow to to zero progress to answer every single small bit of thinking time.

So good in way, really bad for progress. To me the updates are the more honest appraisal we have. They show fast progress or slow and that is a better place to question. All subjective though, but if we ever take time to think and folk are on our backs almost immediately we will fail.

Either there is belief or there is not.


I just hope that my asking them to ask politely and with consideration will sink in one day, because others who ask the same probing questions with respect usually get great answers and sometimes not quite enough. The devs in my estimation have earned the respect and as such deserved to be treated as if they are not lying to keep us here another day.

Even when fearful most can muster up some respect to show others when desiring information or reassurance. And that is all I ask people who question. But after a year or so of this style of asking as if aggression gets results (bullying), I do not expect many to respect that style of questioning. Maybe for some of the scams out there where they are just stringing people along it might be justified.

And I think David addresses this and I’d add that if people ask respectively and actually remember some of the previous answers (eg Github is not the whole) then answering respective questions is far easier because that nasty taste that lingers for a long time is not there.

@anon94252342 Please learn off others who ask the same questions you do but in a calm and respectful way. Being (passive) aggressive leaves a nasty taste in people’s mouth since its accusing them of not being truthful. I say that because you admitted to reading the update, you have been told multiple times Github does not give you the real picture, but yet still ask as if the team on the update lied to you.

Ask as if you at least trust the answer you will be given. Then remember it for next time you want to (passively) accuse the same thing again. You are welcome to ask questions, but learn off others how to ask them to get answers and not slow things down by leaving a nasty taste in the mouths of those you (passively) accuse by disbelieving previous answers.