NVO Decentralized Exchange - Crowdsale

I accidentally created a safenet more rigourous, with more features compared to the maidsafe whitepaper, as soon as i finish the experiments i will share it with maidsafe and the forum.

That looks nice. Better safenet and nvo dex at the same time :slight_smile:

Too funny, that would be an “accident” like the Big Bang? Ya cant make this stuff up. :wink:


I’m kinda speechless myself. No really, I have no words.


If there are any “delays” in this new decentralized network they’re working on, it will be referred to as an ‘accident waiting to happen’.


I accidentally a coke-cola bottle. lol

Can’t wait to hear your “accident”


For me, only one word comes to my mind: presumptuous.


Sadly, I did not invest in the NVO Crowdsale but I have to imagine that reading such good news from them must surely make those who did invest feel very strong new emotions. What an interesting year you will have.

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Well guys, i received a message from someone i appreciate a lot who though i am bipolar.
@BIGbtc i missed you so much my little golum.

Well, saying a year is reductive, i want a 4 month challenge, 1 year is way too long.
so, safenet is actually using your ressources to run the applications, when you have to deal with APIs and websockets you need CPU, originally i didn’t wanted to integrate NVO as i was opposed to use safenet, because it was a scam for me, especially talking about a decentralized exchange without offline trading and high velocity trading.
Yani told me that i could find a solution, he even came to Algeria, finally i accepted because of the validator. I declared that i was going to conduct researches about 0-conf, we haven’t talked deeply about it in the whitepaper, but the biggest issue with it is about the high amount of transactions the network would have to support, and by the wallets directly which would have turned them to Poloniex, it is lighter lighter now, removed most of the uselesss junks mostly because of the smartphones as they don’t have much computing or disk space.
Because of all these, i accidentally created a safenet 10.0, 10.0 because i knew that maidsafe is working on it since an overall 10 years, we have a testnet, need a key, which is kind of annoying and i don’t like to do that (i am somewhat an outlaw). It should be ready in 2 months.

by the way, i am going to annoy ethereum soon.

Good movie material here if the exchange doesn’t work out. Keep me in mind for a role as your assistant.
Just playin with ya here big guy. :wink:
Bring us something real big, real soon. Ill let Vitalik know there’s gonna be a new Sheriff in town.


Wow… I feel like the last of the respect and good will has just evaporated. Can we remove this toxic thread now and move on?


You are right, i will think about it, i promise.
it would be nice to realice a movie together, i hope that you will make a good character of me, i would do the success of NVO and SafeNet soon.
You can annoy the redactor (2013) who turned to a genius developer.

Are you my new troll ? I have a lot of nerfs accumulated these days and need distractions.

This is lame. Ignore the troll. Me wants ta keep learnin :smiley: Carry on. More crypto economics please :innocent:


Unless I’m misunderstanding him, @nemgun appears to be trolling MaidSafe by saying that their team is so incompetent that he’s been able to produce a better network than they have in 10 years ‘accidentally’ on his own.

This is almost certainly not the case.

@nemgun - can you please clarify: are you claiming to have created a network with the full functionality of the SafeNetwork on your own and by accident, or have I misunderstood what you’re saying?


I thought the idea sounded like a fork with all the “junk” of mobile capabilities removed in order for the NVO to function more efficiently?


Some are waaaaaaaay too serious. Relax. Man if ya cant find the humor in this stuff ya maybe have a lot invested or no sense of humor.

Let’s see if 7 million cash can buy some talent. I think it can and will benefit the MS team.

During the crowdsale i had a maidsafe team member who came to troll me on this project, and about my intentions.
David Irvine had to intervenate to solve that.
Actually i really appreciate what you say but, once i will set it up, experiment it, and push it, what would you say ?
Yes, i did it accidentally, and yes, i will tell you honestly that madesafe team have been unable to provide a product, and yes i reply to this response.
you have the same picture as dirvine, are you dirvine ? i would like to have a clarification, and you are named david too.
By the way, maidsafe team haven’t got a genius like me.
I haven’t betrayed maidsafe or the safenet community by the way, i said that i will test for 2 months. I just offered a solution, are you idiot ? or are you trying to be idiot ?

I had a look at your deleted post even if deleted, i really reinvented safenet 10.0, compared to what is offered, which is around 0.1
I am not trolling BIGbtc, i really missed him, he is my best troller.
I wouldn’t risk my reputation and name to say bullshit.

Global question : Does anyone is choked by the fact that a developer could create omething in 1 week ?

By the way, i though about the investors, to the maidsafe team who is providing a lot of efforts, and to the safeforum community.
I said that we will invest the funds of NVO properly, so i don’t see where is the problem, i will provide results soon.