Most wanted APP for the SAFE Network

If I’m scolding him for anything it’s for not seeing that there isn’t a market for what he’s selling. The only people that want moderation services are those that want to force others to comply with their terms. End users, that is to say the average consumer of content are not interested in being moderated. In fact users usually do everything they can to circumvent whatever moderation that is present. Therefore given a choice, which users will have given the code can be forked, I’m pointing out the majority of people will flock to an unmoderated system rather than a moderated one and was pointing out that filtration would be a better way of achieving the same desired affect without imposing control on the end user.

If his goal is to get rid of spam, ads and other undesirable content a user would not want to view then a filter is what is required. If he’s looking to modify or control user behaviour however then that will result in an epic fail because the code can simply be forked or cloned and the users can use move to an app which doesn’t restrict them.

Go ahead, make your moderated media. In fact I encourage it. It’ll either be you or someone else. What I’m saying is the concept itself is going to fail, over and over again. It’s a symptom of centralized systems. I can’t see someone WANTING to be told they can’t upload a certain movie or piece of music or some such or have their video taken down because of “copyright infringement” or any other kind of moderation. I just don’t see it happening.

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Something I would like to have on the SAFE network is artificial general intelligence apps.

“Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is the intelligence of a (hypothetical) machine that could successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can. It is a primary goal of artificial intelligence research and an important topic for science fiction writers and futurists. Artificial general intelligence is also referred to as “strong AI”,[1] “full AI”[2] or as the ability to perform “general intelligent action”.[3]” – Artificial general intelligence - Wikipedia

Even though I’m a great fan of Ray Kurzweil, what he is working on at Google seems to be a centralized form of AI. On the SAFE network, artificial intelligence applications can be made distributed. Small simple AI agents will be able to cooperate (and compete) to form whole dynamic networks of artificial intelligence.

Think Skynet or the Matrix machine world. Just kidding! :smiley: It’s important that the applications will be friendly AI able to offload tremendous burdens of work for the human users. We as humans will remain in control with our ability to understand high-level abstractions. Very complicated problems can be solved by the AI and presented to us in simple to understand ways.

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You know this makes me think of another idea: A user friendly prototyping app for open hardware. Like let’s say you wanted to build something complicated like a robot. So think of an app with an interface as simple as that found in Spore or the SIMs (or maybe the Starcraft 2 map editor at worst) that would be drag and drop and would ask you questions about what you wanted your robot to do and what kind of features it would have. If your robot had a new feature or design that wasn’t in the database you’d be taken to an editor where you could describe or design it. You’d have very easy to use tools and more advanced tools for more complex things. (Although considering in Blender most of the work you do is done using scale, rotate and grab, simple does not mean not inefficient or ineffective.) You could import/export to and from other apps so you wouldn’t be limited to what was availabe in the prototyping app.

Once the original part(s) were finished they could be incorporated with elements that were already designed. So say you wanted to build a humanoid robot. You’d import things like cables, wires, ask for particular metals and synthetic flesh, circuts and perhaps nanotech, perhaps the outward appearance would be your own as well as the core directives for the A.I. but wait you don’t know how to program an A.I.! Not to worry we have template A.I.s that people have already coded and you just need to give the prototyper instructions on what you want your A.I. to be like. Now you want your robot built so you need to collaborate with various manufacturing individuals to create the parts or have the means to manufacture them yourself. Here’s another idea: a robot that assembles robots for you. Fun eh? But this is the kind of thing I see happening on SAFE this kind of collaboration. Sharing these ideas then crowdfunding to make it happen. And I’m thinking a prototyping app would be awesome so you’d have a plan to start with. Basically think the interface of a gaming editor meets real life issues like physics, costs, managing things that have already been built, that kind of thing.

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Well there you are the root of your comment. A fair comment in this context, once again I’m addressing underlying hostility and push for others to see your views or else (I’m speaking of original post and past I’ve had with you at this point). Being more suggestive comes off less pompous. Don’t bother replying it’s not an argument but I want you to know why people’s feathers get ruffled from time to time with your comments.

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And also, this particular thread feels like a safe (ha!) place for people to just throw their ideas out there, not debate their feasibility. I liked the spitballing, yes-and, aspect of it. Not the “well this isn’t possible because x-y-z.” You tear things down during the second phase of an idea. The first phase is just creative and fun.

Let this one thread be about fun.


A fun idea I just had. A SAFE recipie book, something like or something except using the safenetwork and allowing for anonymity and donations and what not.


SAFEauction for an ebay like auctonhouse using safecoin and other crypto (and fiat) currencies. SAFEstore why do we have 50 billion online stores that do exactly the same thing? Why don’t we have 1 app that’s awesome that anyone can download that list a catalouge of a user’s products and the prices thereof, that’s searchable, taggable, comes with pictures, descriptions and shopping carts? Why not have your online shopping experience themeable like that of your social network experience? Why not search for vendors the same way you search for users on your social network? Have SAFEbarter which is like SAFEstore but specializes more in direct barter trades. You’d need larger catalouges of what people have and what they want and the subjective value in between. Another idea would be combining all three of these into something like SAFEcommerce or something.


The customizable UI and tagging etc that makes it more like social media is a very interesting idea. It would give it a totally different feel! Something I honestly don’t think has been tried before either

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I think the being able to choose appearance of the whole network from the maidsafe api would be amazing. Inspired by @Blindsite2k last post. Let me explain. I like duckduckgo and it lets you customize appearance to say dark so you save energy, your screen, and your eyeballs. You can save the settings to duckduckgo’s cloud BUT as soon as you leave the results page by clicking on a link your eyes get PUMELED BY BRIGHTNESS!!! It’s like you hadn’t seen light for days and someone pulled the blinds on you at high noon. SO what if your settings of appearance, font, etc were customizable through the api and recognized by all apps and sites on the network. Prolly a complicated fix but seriously. THE WHOLE NETWORK CUSTOMIZED! Most like customizable UI right? If you agree “like”


Be aware it apparently takes more power to make an lcd black (I do but not to save power).

Really!? I thought when blackle came out that was its whole point but I never did look into it. I do too mostly just because it’s easy on the eyes but thank you for the correction in glad you caught that quickly.

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My Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (main computing device)has an AMOLED screen, so displaying black (I use the “negative screen” option all the time) is supposed to “effectively turn off” the pixels.

So maybe it’s only for AMOLED screens?

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SAFEDate: A dating site based on the SAFE network and SAFESex it’s kinky more libidinous older sibling. :smile: I think both should be able to interact but also should be able to work independently, that is some people may be interested in romantic relationships and not looking for all the hypersexualized community stuff and some people might just be looking for quick hookups. And some people might be looking for both: That is romantic deep relationships but also a channel to express their sexuality. This would be a good opertunity to have a customized interface that draws from a single database. Personally I like the approach of OkCupid what with the custom questions and number crunching (which would work well on the SAFE network) but other styles would integrate well too.

What I think SAFE could offer above traditional dating and sex sites would be security of one’s personal data and anonymity. Obviously this is a forum where one would release a great amount of personal information about oneself and want that information kept PRIVATE and released only to specific parties. Many kinks and flavours of sexuality are socially discriminated against (for instance you can lose your job if you are of certain careers if you “come out” about being into BDSM, especially in more conservative communities. You can even be sent to mental health for that. Or Mom might not want her kids to know she moonlights as a stripper. Or some couples simply don’t want anyone else prying into their private lives period for no other reason than it’s PRIVATE.) Needless to say you want to be able to release information to those you wish to communicate with but not to those that you don’t. You want to keep your various circles clearly defined. This is where maidsafe comes in. It could provide varying layers of protection based on various conditions.

This also might be intergrated with things like SAFEbook or other SAFE apps so that if one was looking for a relationship on SAFEbook they could connect the SAFEDate (or SAFESex) app and integrate their social networking experience. The apps could be federated so that when you posted to one it could be aggrigated to the others if one wished (post a sexy picture on SAFEbook and it shows up on SAFEDate and SAFESex. Same concept might work for SAFEcommerce but that’s a different conversation.). One could also make all these social networks themeable and federate the theme protocol so all these apps could import/export the user’s favorite theme.

Come to think of it this is kind of building on a theme idea. How about we just spell this out: SAFELife Social bundle: Within it you have: SAFEbook (Facebook clone), SAFEDate (dating and romance), SAFESex (Sex and kink community), SAFEPics (Pintrest clone and pic gallery), SAFEcommerce (auction, barter, Store app), SAFETime (Calander, shedules and time. work on this later :smile:) SAFEPhone (hardware not included) SAFEButtler (Jarvis AI idea, perhaps replacement for SAFETime, this would take a LONG time to develop.) SAFEMusic ( replacement + music management software) SAFETube (Youtube meets Popcorn Time meets VLC player for your local media. Also perhaps draw inspiration from XMBC.) All this stuff interacts and is federated, taggable and themeable. You can search for friends among all of them and cross post if you choose.

Anyway I’m tired and I have to be up in the morning to cook. So those are my ideas for the night., Peace and Good night. Blessed Be.


Can we get an open source SAFE ported version of this:

Have you asked them?

If we want existing services to be duplicated on SAFE, we should give them a heads up. Not sure how else we’d expect it to happen.

For example, today I gave a heads up to Dr Paul Gardner-Stephen - Programme Leader for the Flinders Universities ‘Ad hoc Telecommunication Networks’ division

This university is local to me and if we all contacted relevant departments within our local institutions, there could be traction, especially amongst students obligated to write papers.

Hi Paul,

Just wanted to give you a heads up of a great project due to come on line this year from

The combination of decentralized (with crypto currency) and mesh networks is a killer combination, I hope you will check out ProjectSAFE as it’s aim is to kill server based Internet within 10 years.

Their concept for core development is via PODS all round the world, so there is an opportunity for universities to form POD’s and earn SAFEcoin, which is the currency of the network.

The network is a game changer for content creators and app developers, who will be paid directly by the network for utilization of their content.


Chris Foster


I have thrown an idea out there here:

Basically an app where people with influence and marketing skills can earn safecoin to bring new users in the network.

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It seems that local media is nearly dead… The Internet came along and stole their gig and performed for free, thus making them underfunded and all of the consequences of being such… Many of them where sold to big corporate entities. If at the time, there had been a cryptocurrency where you could drop 50 cents in a slot and read the newspaper online, there is a good chance this technology shift wouldn’t have been as devastating.

The result of this is that the media tends not to serve the local people instead it tends to chase stories that will please their political constituencies instead of the interests of real local people.

If there was a a way to crypto-monetize the media under the covers – Since it is the best interest of the community to have an unbiased and fair local media – you could solicit donations and sponsorships by local pool – Then use that pool to reward journalists and media outlets in relation to how useful and well received their work was, and how diversely accepted it was… (if the right wing or the left wing loves it but the other totally rejects it, it could be algorithmicly rewarded less than a story that tells both sides and is useful to the full spectrum of audience.) This system would reduce the conflict of interest - as journalists would not be directly beholden to their corporate sponsors or political constituency so much as their diverse local audience…

Of course you could also have competing sponsorship pools with other agendas and compensation algorithms , but so long as it was transparent what pools a journalist was beholden to, his or her objectivity could be taken with the appropriate grains of salt…



This is an app that travels with you as you browse SAFE content and provides crowd sourced information that is of interest to you about the sites and what you want to know about them, ranked according to what you and others find most important.

More: Details and discussion for Crowdlets app

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Problem: When you send fiat currency in the states or Canada (or pretty much anywhere else in the world) it can be tracked, intercepted and given the government rigamaroll via banks and postal service. Currency transfer laws, tax laws, business liscence laws, the beaurocracy just has no end.

Solution: Say you want to send $amount from person A to person B. You have safecoin and they want fiat. Person A doesn’t have fiat and/or does not want to deal with banks to get fiat. So Person A sends $amount to person C who does have fiat and lives locally in relation to person B, meets with person B and gives him the cash. Now I’m thinking an app could be written to facilitate this form of escrow. Person C could be paid an additional percentage or fee for his time and whatever risk he might be taking. Person A would post the offer of $amount + $commision and Person B would have to confirm it and also confirm when it happened. Person C would accept the deal or search for a different one. Once accepted funds would be transfered to a holding account so Person C would know they were ready for delivery and would be sent the rest of the way when Person B verified that he had received the cash. Cash could be left at a neutral location, delivered in person or yes even mailed, though as I pointed out there’s issues with that. If Person B doesn’t verify he receives the cash person A gets his safecoins back and person C gets negetive reputation. If person C can prove he did deliver the cash person B and possibly person A get negetive reputation. If all go well all 3 get good reputation. You could have multiple safecoin relays but this is the simplest example. There could be searches for offers and available escrow buyers.

I could even imagine this could be replaced by automated services however the government would probably want to **** with that via “Know your buyer.” laws and so forth and therefore compromise user security. If it’s done strictly with human beings then it’s kept decentralized and if B is meeting with C technically he does know him. Tho technically B isn’t the one buying the cash, A is. A is buying the cash for B. And B may or may not be sending A some kind of product or service in return, ie this might be a gift or it might be a transaction. But in short instead of a direct exchange this is a triangle of 3 gifts. A gives to C, C gives to B, B gives to A.

So is this you number one, most favoured, top rated, indisputable ‘Most wanted APP for the SAFE Network’