Most wanted APP for the SAFE Network

A timebank system. A way of collecting “hours” given and received and feedback. Maybe a sort of time bank wallet inspired by the bitcoin wallet.

The problem with the current time bank solutions is that they are centralised, one-server-based. Therefore fragile and not very versatile.

It seems that maidsafe’s core philosophy matches this request, right?



No worries. I googled my mate, he’s had the exit he wanted and has founded a related non-profit that’s using biotech to tackle world health problems which is something I’ve heard you mention once or twice - see:

“Critically BUGS Bioscience is run as a collaborative, not-for-profit, enterprise in which revenues from its service activities are reinvested in further development of its integrated technology and software platform with the clear aim of supporting the organisations that seek to conquer infectious disease, particularly in children, through universal vaccination.” ~ BUGS Bioscience

They are recruiting a software developer so the timing so sounds promising. I’m hoping for a useful synergy somewhere :-). I’ve emailed him.

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sigh Just what we need more vaccines AND bioengineering. Oh lord do not get me started on that one. This is an APP thread you do not want to invoke my activism. All I can say is if you are gong to do genetic engineering I agree that it would be best to do it open source and non-profit. At least then if you screw up someone can check your code and do something better.

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Getting back to the topic at hand :smile: I was thinking someone might make an app like OpenRent except based on maidsafe arcitecture and you know not limited to the UK. Given that people’s data will be more secure on maidsafe and can be transmitted privately between parties I imagine it would be easier to engineer such a system.

Also given that it could be written that all searches and set ups could be done using code I’m thinking the whole thing could be done a whole lot cheaper as well.

Also here’s a nice site that connects travelers trying to buy things in other countries. (I am NOT explaining this right, read the site.

Just thought it might make a nice port.

In addition, in case this didn’t get mentioned, I’m thinking we’ll need a software center of some kind to manage all these maidsafe apps that are being created. I imagine new apps will be creaed at rapid pace and users will want to be able to search and download new apps with ease. So we’ll want an interface and searchable database of somekind like the Ubuntu/Linux Mint Software Center or Softlicious in the case of web development. Just a thought there.

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It would be great to couple this with a rent contract system, something ethereum maybe capable of.


Yes but you’d still need some kind of local mediator to make sure the tenant and the land lord abided by the contract.

I would like an application that would facilitate easy exchange between safecoin and Local Exchange Trading Systems (LETS). This would enable LETS to be backed by safecoin, rather than being backed by national currencies as they usually are.

I think this would bring great advantages to the safe network and to LETS.

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This requires thought for sure, here’s mine…

I would think you could list ‘LETS’ as a currency on a native SAFE exchange and have it enabled in the best mobile wallets.

  • If you feel the existing LET’s system is better than what the current crop of crypto systems can offer (smart contracts) then maybe migrate it on to the SAFEnetwork platform as an app i.e take advantage of the data security offered by SAFE
  • Educate members how to be efficient SAFEcoin farmers from day 1 of the network, taking full advantage of early farming rewards and bringing more liquidity into the community. Exchange earned SAFEcoin for LETS if desired.
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I currently have in the works a decentralized exchange and i’ve now read the LETS paper.

Essentially, the exchange I am proposing and have demonstrated the basic logic for:
Item creation - a user will be able to create a unique item which only they can control, this item can be sold on the exchange if another user knows the unique identifier of that item from that person - therefore when someone wants to buy from a website of a person they need only know the unique identifier and that can be supplied by the website of the merchant. afterwards, the customer user will own a token of the merchant’s item. This token will then be ‘burnable’ with the merchant to redeem an item either over the internet or physically in a store. It is planned to integrate all of the wallets of crpytocurrencies so that the exchange items can be denominated in any currency including maidsafe.

Support to this will be a webpage rating items, so since any user can issue an item even those items that a user does not have this will open up a huge market for fraud. In this case it will be important to know who your merchant is.

Unique identifiers will guarantee that a customer user will never buy what they didn’t want for example an amazon item will never share a unique identifier as barnes and noble.

The exchange will report back to any user only an item pair that was transacted and the average price of the day updated each day. Otherwise the price is not displayed in traditional charted or streaming bid ask fashion and there will not be an order book to prevent influence over others using the order book.

This exchange will not charge any fees, besides the network fees such as mining fees for bitcoin and mastercoin or (farming fees?) for SafeCoin.

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Interesting article on medical express


Some kind of blockchain based fact checking/cross referenced aggregated(like irvine mentions) news channel. Perhaps this isn’t possible but I’m thinking of this now out loud. Sha256 is the hashing algorithm bitcoin uses to mine and that and the fact it is distributed keeps it secure. So is it possible to imbed a news source somehow in the code of a forked version of bitcoin so that when a new story (like a transaction) is sent it is cross referenced with fact checking sites that can be like (bitcoin improvement protocol)ed into the code? Crazy half baked meta thinking I’m sure but if info was distributed cross referenced aggregated and fact checked by consensus I might feel better about the news. Who knows. Any input?


You could have a public MaidSafe site which would aggregate and cache news items (or where people could submit news). Readers could sign stories using their private key. When browsing any particular item a client-side app could parse the list of folks who signed it and cross reference it with your list of contacts or ID’s you recently exchanged information with. But that wouldn’t tell you whether any of that content is actually true. It’d be more like FB likes.

As you said you’d have to have a source that would be paid for their work on fact-checking these stories, which is like paid news sites that we have today, except that we could have these fact-checkers post deposit which would be taken away from them. Of course they wouldn’t be so stupid to expose themselves to that kind of risk if they didn’t get paid for fact-checking each piece of news. I don’t have a good idea for a free human-based verification of news.

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I like that your semi solution works on safes mechanisms though! Blockchains def have a place and I think that lies in benefit of the public. I’ll think more about this I hope you and others do as well because the thing is when I hear news or hear someone tell me news I think “who is they?” How do I know this isn’t bullshit besides my own bullshit filters like the chat bot that “passed” the Turing test. Sounds impressive but I knew it was bullshit despite being everywhere but if I didn’t know some of what I know how could I know? This is an issue, though I think the aggregated news partially solves this. Only until media manipulation reaches even larger scales. Thank you for the comment @janitor

You’re welcome!
Yes I think it’d be nice to use Safecoin for everything of this nature (if possible) because we’d want this content to be based on the SAFE platform (although currencies are fungible, I think in this case it would be fine to use just one so that you can pay for storage to store your content, get paid (through your app or organization/portal that gives you part of their revenue) and pay for your own storage needs.
This is just one example of how a person with a crappy 5 year old phone can make a business doing fact checking (sorry this is off-topic and related to other discussions how freebies are needed to get the poor on the SAFE network).

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Yes filter the filter. If the checkers were truly open minded, without conflicts of interest and redundant. Its noise cancellation. Filters bots that read and write stories.

a huge decentralized MMORPG!!!

One that allows users to create objects, like:

  • characters (& upload well-known ones)
  • furniture, weapons, foliage, etc
  • entire settings
  • …and more!

and somehow rewards them based on how much the community uses their creations.

I imagine this ONE GAME taking over ALL PREVIOUS GAMES, and it has all the worlds inside of it, like different planets. for example, in this game, you could travel to the Super Mario 64 world, and fight through the different levels in the castle’s paintings, and beat the enemies to get stars, and whatever…

…and then bring those back to larger planets with HUGE GRAND EXCHANGES!!! and sell those “mario / zelda / call of duty / WHATEVER THE GAME IS” items to other players for a common currency…safecoin?? (exchangable for USD/fiats?!)

Basically, uploading all previous video game worlds, characters, objects, etc onto ONE HUGE EPIC DECENTRALIZED MMO!!! (which will take over forever)

and then when a company/person wants to make a new video game, they just add it into this one,


Why not create this alternative, where EVERY NEW GAME THAT COMES OUT is basically just a NEW EXPANSION PACK to this EVER-IMPROVING VIDEO GAME???



So everyone has a smartphone these days, yeah? Why not make an app on this network (SINCE THE SAFENETWORK HAS PERPETUAL DATA, PERFECT FOR OUR EXPANDING KNOWLEDGE BASE) that people all take pictures of all the animals/insects/plants they see, and the app indexes all of these shots, puts them together by genus/species/whatever (i’m not a biologist) and we make a…


Birds, bugs, animals, fish, plants, flowers, trees, etc!!!

The app will recognize, like, “oh, that’s a Blue Jay, formally called Blueus Jayeousostocus!” and every time someone takes a picture of a blue jay it gets uploaded and helps the app learn about it (and formulate its own 3D model of a generic blue jay from all of the picture inputs), with GPS so it knows where they stay / migrate to, and we can see a map of areas populated by each species, so we can go see a particular species if we want!!!

Also, if we point the camera at a plant/animal/whatever that has already been documented, then the app will tell us what it is!!

Just like a POKEDEX!!!

Imagine how fun it will be to go out into nature, learn about all the plants and animals and fish and trees in our backyards and even have the thrill of seeking out new species and stuff!!

and it all adds to the global knowledge pool!!



By the way, CCN iReport seems (based on the layout and URL format) to be using Jive on their site where they collect end user reports.

How would gambling work. It seems like the app builder/ site owner might be double dipping. :wink:

You don’t say what kind of gambling and how it’d be implemented, so it’s impossible to tell what might or might not happen.
AFAIK the SAFE network doesn’t provide a mechanism for betting or gambling, so whatever 3rd party betting/gambling app is stored on the SAFE network it’d run the same way as it runs elsewhere.