MAIDsafecoin, Price and Trading topic (Closed)

These type of huge orders, when not being fulfilled fully, turn to instant market orders sometimes, and then a spike or mini bull run is ignited. Let’s see…

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Once that wall goes, watch MAID crash. It’s the only thing propping it up after two consecutive weak dev updates.

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The wall ain’t going anywhere…lol.
Don’t feed the Troll!.. :smile:

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it just sustained a 150 BTC sell !

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You can’t party every week. It is a project in development. So that means more weak news, but sometimes incredible news.


over 1.5m sold into it from one wallet, but now he’s done we might see a rise - can’t see everyone else selling into it. Im not :confused:


This is where that MAID loaning helps. The short sellers are the ‘rocket fuel’ such a pity

Maids buy wall on Poloniex… wow 5pm mst today

Thinking of 9 cents for the dollar(s) helps not to sell into any wall in this price range :ant: Some people just cannot wait to trade off the upside for half a penny’s or a penny gain . I’m sure it’s very smart money with balls buying a fortune and great investment . Courageous people exist , it’s likely a MAID believer going for MAID :wink:


The wall is gone now… Price drop

Traders will trade and idiots will keep falling for their bait. Safenet is fine. Price does not reflect value. Let’s be patient and hold.


What’s your personal opinion on the current value of 1 MAID?

Is the pre-MVP not up to par? Is the upside of the working network too much not to get involved?

Thanks :slight_smile:

I think there is no way to decide true value because of bots and manipulation and trader priorities in dollar terms. The price will just keep being moved up and down. My interest is in sticking with a project that will change everything. I leave the trading to others and try not to let their propaganda scare me. The pre MVP has been a great success so far IMHO and I’m happy to leave release of MVP to the devs. I’m sure they have enough self generated pressure and don’t need more from me. Of course, I’d love to arrive at a time when I can be sure I have a nice stash of valuable Safecoins that will remain valuable but traders may have other ideas. Just the way it is from where I’m sitting. Hoping for a day when the value of a Safecoin will be directly related to the usefulness of Safenet. Obviously, I’m not a trader or big player. Just a minnow :grinning::grinning:


short term value … depends on how much is pumped and how much is dumped

medium term value … 0.5 to 1USD

long term value … to the moon.



It’s based on the gets.

If we speculate 1safecoin = 1gb, then…


Farmers give the network information on the safecoin per GB by supplying or withdrawing storage space depending on what the network is currently offering (safecoin per GB). if the network needs more storage then it increases the safecoin it pays to farmers and that signals farmers to provide more storage.

But the value of SafeCoin is indeterminate from that information. It’s not linked to the value of storage space it’s linked to the value that people ascribe to SafeCoin - if the coin is popular and hence has a high value (globally) then farmers will provide more storage for less coin, yet not less value from the network.

The value given to farmers per GB (by the network) will always be related to the cost that farmers have to pay in value. But the value of Safecoin itself floats completely freely based on global use and perception.


Current value of 1 Maid the token is $0 (zero dollar) because nothing substantial except trading is done with it. Every price above $0 is a bonus, if you ask me. As a long term holder of Maid I would be more interested in what other markets besides trading will Maid serve, partially or whole, in the future when Safe Network including Safecoin (being the follow up coin of the Maid token) is live and kicking.

I would be very interested what you guys think. I’ve used VisualCapitalist to check a few figures:

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This MAID token is worth what people think it is worth whenever they buy or sell it .

Investors put their Money on it because it represents a potential , and the course of
actions financed do back a vision , a mission , a kind of movement into the future :ant:

The current value is the appreciation of all comprehensive features and premises
balanced against sentiments and calculations of risk versus possible benefit & profit .

MAID stands around 10 cents of a USD Dollar right now , being traded in all kind of amounts , including pretty big chunks ( hundreds & even 1000 BTC trades ) for what this might be and become in the actually emerging cryptographic programming market place , that acts as a huge decentralised creative hub already buzzing 24/7/365 .

The vision each one has is the limit of what one can imagine to become a reality ,
personally , I think it is only wise to think great and within value sets that matter ,
SAFE , the Decentralised Network , platform for Distributed Apps , Computing ,
Hosting , Transacting in its native token safecoin and all other possible features ,
all that , means there is a culture and art behind each realm , and that has value .

We already have a Community , from here a population of creators and users gets enlightened and grows into a vast diversity . Therefore , in the general vision of meaningful activities going on in this fraction of society and mankind , I think it is utterly wrong to think a Token of this kind has $0 USD Value , and that is , to be more precise , largely because I am quite sure we shouldn’t leave out the values after the dot : $0.2 USD = 0.00024 BTC or 24000 satoshis … — doesn’t seem to be nothing :wink:

Is One Satoshi a value we believe in ?

And is it with any other Satoshi amount above 1 , 1000 , 10000 , 22k sats and counting not the same ?

Some people and applications are so precise that they even trade sub satoshi amounts with utmost care , precision , and carry :ant:

Being part of this opportunity and movement is a privilege and honour , sharing and developing a larger vision that often overlaps and creates patterns of valuable interaction indicates clearly that the importance of this is going well beyond the concepts of numbers or trades for these numbers , we are touching much deeper and intrinsic values and concepts with a paradigm shift in the powers of communication and culture that enables many more people to have their stand and own it , individually and·or socially .

This token might be representing more than each one of us can envision by thinking around each tree in the forest , and if you don’t believe me , follow the wisest of the ants heading for its hive :ant: You may not know where it is … until you come across . It happens with ideas as it happens with :ant::ant::ant::ant::ant::ant::ant::ant::ant::ant::ant:'s



Maybe better to ask what it’s worth to you at this point in time, what your expectations are, and how you perceive the risk/reward gamble, rather than looking at where the market stands. Then factor price and quantity at a level you’re happy with. Then wait and see if you made a good choice. :wink:

I would have bought a few at $1+per coin in theory because I expect it to be the third digital currency to pass $1bn and I expect that to happen towards the end of this year or early next year. I also think it’s a great project to support from an ethical pov. At under $0.02c I blew my wad on it ;-p

Where do you expect it to go, what do you think is a fair price based on that expectation and how much is a good gamble at that price for you? Accounting for the not inconsiderable risks involved ofc.