MaidSafe rebuilding secure decentralised internet with BnkToTheFuture equity fundraising

Perhaps due to the fact we never asked them. Not to say we would not in the future, but for now we have not approached the traditional VC’s with any vigour. All options are open, but last resort is a few steps away yet!

[Edit, I should stress we do speak regularly with smaller funds, i.e. non controlling partners and will continue to do so]


Chainless??? Oh my this is perfekt!! Love it :bouquet:


Seems some folk are overly worried about this as though if the minimum is not met it spells the end to Maidsafe which is rediculous. This is obviously not the only option available but a good one for where they are at right now.
Everybody stressing out needs to chillax.


And we cannot discount how well connected these guys are in SV. That helps a lot.

I think the central question here is, is there a plan “B” and if there is one, how quickly and efficiently it can be implemented.
I don’t mean to be negative, but by now it seems rather self evident that meeting even the minimum investment goal is unlikely.


Well I guess that I’m one of the little guys and for me, at present, the price entry point is too high. Last year I invested in some MAID coins and, if I could have, I would also have invested in the Safenetwork this year, because I’m excited about the tech. For this little guy it would have been easier financially to have had the option to choose whatever could be presently comfortably afforded. Unless I can find some spare liquid capital over the next few days I’ll have to sit this one out. :frowning:

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Sharing plan B or C would be detrimental not benificial at this point.
With 3 weeks to go “unlikely” is presumptuous.
I’m of the belief it will reach the goal.


That’s a stretch. If there were five days left…maybe.

I agree the initial response has been anemic.

With some fresh marketing and a different tact this can still explode.


“Plan for the worst, hope for the best!” they say.
Why wouldn’t it be reassuring but detrimental? Having an alternative doesn’t mean abandoning the fund rising. Every effort should be made to make it successful. However, the possibility of a failure is real and if happens, then it’s obvious how having a plan is better then having to just figure one.

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They do have plans, but sharing them right now is not necessary. It will succeed, youll see!


What I mean is they no doubt have a plan B and a plan C but revealing those at this point is not necessarily in the companies best interest and it’s quite likely that they are not able to share future efforts at this point for many reasons.
Having all focus on completing this successfully is what matters right now.
But who knows perhaps the business plan will shed light on future funding options.


Has there been a social media advertising push?

Should we crowdfund one?


We need more interviews and on platforms that have pushed ethereum etc. platforms that interview some of the best in the bitcoin space. Like I recently suggested I think epicenter bitcoin would be a great option. I think singularity 1on1 would seriously be a hugely beneficial interview as there are so many futurist/Silicon Valley/VC/intellectual/bitcoin centric audience that would totally jump on board


Probably already known, but these are some social media channels that post about Maidsafe:


How about something like an ad on reddit?

I’d think an ad on coinmarketcap will open some eyes. If ads were the way to go. I still think one big investment can and will change the tide.


New videos on Bank to the Future forum section… I’m on my phone and can’t get links to post, if anyone is interested :slight_smile:


It seens that few people on this forum is investing on the fundraising,
Can’t blame them, as it is very personal investment decision, but it tells something about the sentiment here

Yeah thats not too hard to figure out. But lets consider that many here are here because they “invested” already, in some cases substantial amounts, some years ago and are determined to see it successful.

The sentiment here is very positive about the Safenetwork.


@BIGbtc, that is actually very correct. If you already invested in the original fund raising, most people may not have spare cash around and haven’t even sold anything yet.

so its unlikely they may put more into a similar bet, wouldn’t stop all tho.