[How To]: Buy/Move/Store OMNI MAID :safe: hardware and software wallets

I just came across the private key for an address I used to buy Maidsafe over 7 years ago. I sent 0.10BTC to the crowdsale address and received 0.000055BTC back. And, if I check the address on OmniExplorer I can see there is also a balance of 2,380 MaidSafeCoin.

What does the future look like for these coins? Are they going to be swapped for a new coin? How would I transfer them?


Just hodl them for now and keep your eyes on this forum. Do you have a Trezor? Probably the most secure method of storing MAID- and other cryptos.
Under no circumstances should you try and work out what they are worth now in BTC as this will only depress you. Until you work out what your 0.1BTC was worth 7 years agoā€¦


Yes, theyā€™ll be redeemable 1:1 for Safe Network Tokens when the network launches.
Itā€™s looking like youā€™ll do an Omni transaction to do the conversion, but it is still to be decided.


10% of trezor order if anyone wants it.



Thanks @bones , I used it to buy a Trezor for a friend to give him some MAID.


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I used your referral link so hopefully youā€™ll get a small commission for ads / marketing etc


According to their interface, so far we have collected about 140 euros from the referral link, but they have not paid me anything yet. Maybe there is a minimum. I will write to their support after we collect 200 euros.

Privacy. Security. Freedom


Hi, so Iā€™ve been chatting in messages with a new forum member. @focus
They are trying to move maid from coinspot to an electrum wallet, but the address starts with bc1, and the exchange are telling them its not a valid address.

Iā€™ve put this in here so as not to start a new thread, also hopefully @Dimitar will just know these things of the top of his head.

  1. what format does the pvt key need to be extracted in to import to omniwallet in future to send the maid?
    ( just trying to be sure there are no issues later on).

  2. whatā€™s with addresses starting bc1, is electrum no good for storing maid?

  3. where did we land on addresses, should we send to one starting with a 1 or a 3 ?

Iā€™m sure the answers are I the thread, but sometimes itā€™s just easier to ask.

Many thanks to anyone who can help out.


Thanks bones, appreciate you taking the time to help me out


Unfortunately, as it says in the OP, as far as I know bc1 addresses are not supported by OMNIā€¦

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OK, so you canā€™t use bc1, if you have a read through the thread thereā€™s alot here on if you should send to an address starting with a 1 or 3.
Perhaps electrum will let you choose to create an old style address.

Personally I use btc core, if your not on a pi or something minimal, you donā€™t need it in sync to create an address, or to extract the pvt key.

Hope this helps.

Thanks @Dimitar

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Last time i check omniwallet only supports addresses starting with 1.

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Going with addresses starting with 1 will work always. 3 used to be a problem with multi-sig but apparently now 3 is acceptable but I have never had experience with that.

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Addresses with 3 work too.

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If addresses starting with a 3 work, then they should give you a little bit lower fee when you go to move the coins. Those addresses starting with 3 are (usually) SegWit addresses. (Fyi - bc1 is also a SegWit address type known as Bech32 or native SegWit)

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how do you import a privatekey in omniwallet for an address starting with 3?

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Iā€™ve only tested with addresses starting with 3 on Trezor.

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ok, i use address with 3 in trezor, but in omniwallet i cant import them, i try adding at the beginning p2wpkh-p2sh: but doesnt work and if i put only the private key imports an address starting with 1.

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Thank you for the feedback, I will add it in the first post.

Addresses starting with 3 work, but only if they are generated on a Trezor hardware device.

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Omniwallet has not upgraded their site/system to accept them when inputting.

Others have said that omnicore node is fine using them

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