Fleming Testnet v2 Release - * OFFLINE - V3 RELEASED *

I tried uploading the same movie a few times, and got different errors.
I’m trying to join as a node at the same time.

sascha@sascha-Librem-15-v3:~$ time safe files put ~/Safe_put/Eraserhead.avi

Error: NetDataError: Failed to PUT Public Blob: QuicP2p(Connection(TimedOut))

real 12m29,878s
user 2m5,636s
sys 0m59,723s

sascha@sascha-Librem-15-v3:~$ time safe files put ~/Safe_put/Eraserhead.avi

[qp2p::connections] ERROR 2021-04-13T20:09:55.479784393 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/qp2p-0.11.8/src/connections.rs:234] Failed reading from a uni-stream for peer with error: Failed to read expected number of message bytes: connection closed: timed out
Error: NetDataError: Failed to PUT Public Blob: QuicP2p(Connection(TimedOut))

real 5m20,885s
user 0m39,418s
sys 0m17,940s

sascha@sascha-Librem-15-v3:~$ time safe files put ~/Safe_put/Eraserhead.avi

FilesContainer created at: “safe://hyryyryhs7mi4y7r7sb3mdotydu5ioogcd6irbjq98ejgei74ihticdqd3hnra”
E /home/sascha/Safe_put/Eraserhead.avi <NetDataError: Failed to PUT Public Blob: SelfEncryption(Generic(“Connection lost”))>

real 8m2,813s
user 0m33,150s
sys 0m14,835s

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Not working for me. The error seems related to what I got above when trying to upload the movie.

sascha@sascha-Librem-15-v3:~$ safe cat safe://hygoygycfm6iarj9j9otcrhzjhcxbuhprmn1fe3cktysahggg5u4yst1k9r | display

[qp2p::connections] ERROR 2021-04-13T20:17:24.499672512 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/qp2p-0.11.8/src/connections.rs:234] Failed reading from a uni-stream for peer with error: Failed to read expected number of message bytes: connection closed: the endpoint encountered an internal error and cannot continue with the connection: endpoint driver future was dropped
[qp2p::connections] ERROR 2021-04-13T20:17:24.499874364 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/qp2p-0.11.8/src/connections.rs:234] Failed reading from a uni-stream for peer with error: Failed to read expected number of message bytes: connection closed: the endpoint encountered an internal error and cannot continue with the connection: endpoint driver future was dropped
[qp2p::connections] ERROR 2021-04-13T20:17:24.499952614 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/qp2p-0.11.8/src/connections.rs:234] Failed reading from a uni-stream for peer with error: Failed to read expected number of message bytes: connection closed: the endpoint encountered an internal error and cannot continue with the connection: endpoint driver future was dropped

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@happybeing this definitely sounds like you have an existing sn_authd process running, not the new version. This also fits in with what you mention about you didn’t have to unlock - you should have been forced to do that.

Assuming you’re on Linux, try:
$ pkill sn_authd && safe auth start

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BOOM…Yes guys. Lets do this. :nerd_face:


@Sascha does the example safe cat in the OP work for you?:

$ safe cat safe://hygoyeye9mq5jmipo3we79wohue8hjyw55e6f8xyk1hquwy9hsxnk9tdsme > ~/safe-the-planet.png

Yes. That works.

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I am also trying to join as a node while doing CLI operations and getting some strange errors. (Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS, VM on local machine.)

This error shows up in my terminal periodically, I’ve seen it after both safe cat ... and safe keys balance ... for example. I think it’s output from the background process which is trying to join the network. It shows up repeatedly (same line written to terminal 20x) then abruptly stops.

[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T12:50:51.804644886 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(161040..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(161040..), error: DkgInProgress }

I get the below errors when running safe wallet balance ...

[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T12:48:35.132043407 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:927] Error handling network info message: QuicP2p(Connection(TimedOut))

Error: ContentError: Failed to read balances from Wallet: NetDataError: Failed to get Sequenced Map. ErrorMessage(AccessDenied(PublicKey::Ed25519(8c03f97b988c80468b008f0962b5da5caa80bfef0cf635f93e4c5a3b4e35ecfe)))

For what it’s worth, I haven’t been able to safe cat successfully so far. I was able to set up auth, create Safe Keys and a wallet, and attach a Safe Key to my wallet. The wallet balance command above, and safe cat are the only ones I can’t get working at the moment.

(Edit: got safe cat working - awesome!!!)


This might have been my misunderstanding.

In the first terminal I did the install steps and some safe cat commands. Then I did safe auth create --test-coins. I don’t know if that gave an error, but my bash history shows I then did safe auth restart and safe auth create --test-coins and then set it uploading stuff.

Then in a second terminal I was doing safe auth unlock --self-auth and getting the error.

So maybe before I’d done the safe auth restart I had unlocked. I’m not sure if I’m in a dodgy state now or not, but things seem to be working.

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Getting some funky errors:

paul@Vader:~$ safe cat safe://hygoygycfm6iarj9j9otcrhzjhcxbuhprmn1fe3cktysahggg5u4yst1k9r | display
[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T18:52:41.266512033 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(6a55f5..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(6a55f5..), error: DkgInProgress }
[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T18:52:41.268127909 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(6a55f5..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(6a55f5..), error: DkgInProgress }
[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T18:52:41.273117078 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(6a55f5..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(6a55f5..), error: DkgInProgress }
[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T18:52:41.276895106 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(6a55f5..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(6a55f5..), error: DkgInProgress }
[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T18:52:41.289654583 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(6a55f5..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(6a55f5..), error: DkgInProgress }
[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T18:52:41.293906507 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(6a55f5..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(6a55f5..), error: DkgInProgress }
[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T18:52:41.296974239 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(6a55f5..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(6a55f5..), error: DkgInProgress }
[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T18:52:41.442754814 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(7bf05b..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(7bf05b..), error: DkgInProgress }
[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T18:52:41.560841129 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(7bf05b..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(7bf05b..), error: DkgInProgress }
[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T18:52:41.660467284 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(7bf05b..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(7bf05b..), error: DkgInProgress }
[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T18:52:41.797032083 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(7bf05b..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(7bf05b..), error: DkgInProgress }
[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T18:52:41.892640826 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(7bf05b..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(7bf05b..), error: DkgInProgress }
[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T18:52:41.990390536 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(7bf05b..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(7bf05b..), error: DkgInProgress }
[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T18:52:42.126579811 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(7bf05b..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(7bf05b..), error: DkgInProgress }

It didn’t exit afterwards and it is still trying to complete (no further logs output).

CTRL-C out of it, then retried just now:

$ safe cat safe://hygoygycfm6iarj9j9otcrhzjhcxbuhprmn1fe3cktysahggg5u4yst1k9r | display
Error: NetDataError: Failed to GET Public Blob: SelfEncryption(Storage)

Retried the test image and that was fine:

safe cat safe://hygoyeye9mq5jmipo3we79wohue8hjyw55e6f8xyk1hquwy9hsxnk9tdsme | display

However, lazydog has gone away again:

safe cat safe://lazydog | display
Error: NetDataError: Failed to GET Public Blob: ErrorMessage(NoSuchData)

safe cat safe://hygoygykdytfkxqmdazdgsrubwi5cozmuysaajupww9yoa7kh6zg4uejrbe | display
Error: NetDataError: Failed to GET Public Blob: ErrorMessage(NoSuchData)

I’m back on v2 both with my node and another PC :partying_face:

I managed to upload a few smaller jpgs but when trying a 3MB mp3 got this error repeated several times on the console. Repeating the put attempt succeeded though. Just reporting the error in case it helps the team:

[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T12:55:29.286497368 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(3d54ea..) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(3d54ea..), error: DkgInProgress }


Authentication, creation and unlock worked seamlessly for me first time. Downloaded image too. Didn’t manage that on V1 so the fixes have sorted all the issues I was having. :+1:

See if I can figure out uploading now.


I see Failed to connect to Elder @ : ElderConnection again.
Will update this post if other error pops out.

Ctrl+C and 2nd try: same Failed to connect WARN.

Slow motion video of waterfall here (about 60MB):

safe://hy8ayqyk8wyxdrpx4q5ur99si6zc3mmajawbygaur6mcd58945j75kbekmr > Waterfall_slo_mo.mp4


Hmm, a small issue we did not fix, but looks like we need to is there is a bad node there that is failing DKG, it is rejected then re-added straight away. It should be killed when it fails DKG. This might loop forever?

@lionel.faber @qi_ma can help with this one, they were on it today.


I stopped the script that was trying to make me a node. Still, even uploading a small .png fails.

sascha@sascha-Librem-15-v3:~$ time safe files put ~/Safe_put/Safe_Nugget.png

[sn_client::connection_manager] ERROR 2021-04-13T21:08:16.927250865 [/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/sn_client-0.52.10/src/connection_manager.rs:609] MessageId MessageId(5b7dec…) was interrupted due to infrastructure updates. This will most likely need to be sent again. Update was : ErrorResponse { correlation_id: MessageId(5b7dec…), error: DkgInProgress }

I seem to be having issues getting most data at the moment:

safe cat safe://hy8ayqyk8wyxdrpx4q5ur99si6zc3mmajawbygaur6mcd58945j75kbekmr > Waterfall_slo_mo.mp4
Error: NetDataError: Failed to GET Public Blob: ErrorMessage(NoSuchData)

OK, I’m catting it at the moment, seems to be working… No errors, nothing happening, but I suppose it will download after a while.

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Same here, first I had the NoSuchData error with the waterfall video, but on second attempt it seems to be coming. At least it doesn’t complain

Node joined, too

[sn_node] INFO 2021-04-13T20:18:00.087257458+02:00 [src/chunk_store/mod.rs:125] Writing chunk succeeded!


I seem to have been able to put a .png out there, but now I can’t cat it. Can you all?

sascha@sascha-Librem-15-v3:~$ time safe files put ~/Safe_put/Safe_Nugget.png

FilesContainer created at: “safe://hyryyry4nf1mco15t1hwr7j9qzdf97u5d874qgo5scqi3dngba967c6e3wcnra”

  • /home/sascha/Safe_put/Safe_Nugget.png safe://hygoyeympwmeijo94crkb134o68ugxajckgc1ir3147zk5tx5wt9d7y491a

real 0m44,192s
user 0m6,372s
sys 0m1,308s

You may find a delay in putting the file to being able to get it all (eventually consistent). It should not be long, but the data writes across nodes. So when it’s finished your side it’s on it’s way to storage, it has to do a few steps to be stored and these steps should not fail.