Dev Update :safe: Week Beginning 16th June 2014

Hi everyone,

Core Dev update time and it has been another hectic 7 days for the Dev team here at MaidSafe HQ, the guys have hardly stopped to catch breath this week. So what have we been working on…

Network Visualiser

This week, which includes Saturday ofc in MaidSafe, saw the completion of the Visualiser tool. Had some last minute features that we decided to add such as oAuth to limit clearing logs. This has now been merged to master. You can clone the Network-Visualiser github project and try the tool yourself. Home · maidsafe-archive/Network-Visualiser Wiki · GitHub instructions should help you setup the tool on your computer. If you hit any bugs or have suggestions for this tool, please do contact @Viv via email / Mumble.

Seeding network Local Simulation (Testnet Setup - Seeding Network)

The simulation of setting-up a seeding vaults network has been carried out on a local machine.
A 12 vaults “oracle” network has be initialized first, then 40 more vaults joined individually one by one. The procedure proves to be easy and sound. This verifies the proper work of local_network_controller, vault_manager and account transfer of vaults. The shell script, which makes the above procedure happen with just one click, has been merged into the Super-Project’s next branch. Further extension and finalising of the process including the script is on-going, the plan being to replace the existing shell script with cross platform code. The next steps will involve deploying the procedure to setup a network firstly across a local network made up of odroids and secondly, to geo-scattered DigitalOcean nodes.


Work has been ongoing for the Authentication example to show the system’s Self Authentication process. We hope to have this out in the next week. API tests have been updated accordingly and local_network_controller has a few tweaks pending which should be completed early next week. should have an update posted when the example is made live via github. With this out of the way the next step would be the example for simple PUT/GET.

Documentation update

We constantly discuss this topic and this week we’ve had a few ideas to improve documentation and have a catalog-like interface from the MaidSafe site that ties in the different sections such as SystemDocs, Examples, Wiki-Pages… More info on this should be available soon.

Network Drive

Worked towards adapting all projects and tests with “Nfs wrapping routing” change.
Currently working towards updating and testing Drive and Vaults (ongoing).

Client API

Resolved Nfs object’s destruction issue.

Routing update

We investigated the possibility of removing group matrix by a combination of extending the close nodes in routing table and changing the algorithm for peer eviction when routing table is full. So far for a simulated network of a few thousand the results seem to be fine. However, further simulation, analysis and possible routing table tunings are required to decide.

Modifications to vault test

We have started applying modifications to vault test to reflect the modifications completed in Nfs (to encapsulate routing table in client). Moreover, the new tests will all be using the network created by local_network_controller. Therefore, we expect too much code removal from vault functional tests.


Enabled benchmark testing for Encrypt for all platforms, with results being recorded and graphed daily. Working towards integrating the Clang Sanitizers (TSan / MSan / ASan) into the existing CI Suite > . Configured and started using Travis CI > Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence changes still to be merged to next and master.


Find our Roadmap here > Roadmap · maidsafe-archive/MaidSafe Wiki · GitHub


Thanks so much for keeping us informed. You’re doing a great job on the Dev Updates. I find them very valuable. Thanks especially for the Roadmap link and I like how you line out completed steps of the testnet. This really helps to follow progress.
David Lasoff
The MaidSafe Focus Blog