Confession of a part time cryptotrader

First, sorry for my bad english, i am not a native speaker.

So i want to share my opinion to the community, because i think many people out their made similar expieriences.

If i rememeber correctly I came in this whole crypto sphere 2013, mainly driven by the possibilities to make fast money and some suggestions of my friends. I invested only what i could afford to loose because i had not the time to trade fulltime. Some friends quit their jobs and started to trade fulltime and made quite good profit, others loose a lot.

After some years as a trader i started with mining and build up a bigger farm for ETH mining and other altcoins. Due to my background i was quite good at it. I saw bitcoin rise and fall and so the alts. Crashs, Dump&Pump, shills, coin memes i saw it all. Fork of a fork and the next meme coin was releasesed, that we started to mine at the eaerly start, locked it up and selled it after some months to make profit. So this became my main activity and since then i am connected to several dev groups, traders, miners etc.

During this time i met/spoke to hundreds of devs, traders, whales etc. And there is a hidden agreement in this community about the whole crypto market: It is a ponzi scheme or a Pyramide with Bitcoin at the top.

I want to express a Statement of a LTC-guy (no names) but u can be sure he has the biggest impact on LTC out there

  1. Trade Shitcoins to accumulate more BTC
  2. Accumulate more BTC to gather more USD
  3. Accumulate more USD to buy more Lambos

I am so fed of it. I became disenchant. Some of the smartest people i ever met, quite good devs and miners, leave the crypto community already to wait for the overdue cleanup.

I am looking forward to a new Safenet world.



Funny, I was just saying in another thread that this forum is like a breath of fresh air in the crypto community. And now you reinforce this idea that I had, so I tweeted it: maidsafe is crypto-trader repellent :slight_smile:


What is more exiting :
whatching your coin price going up
watching parsec youtube presentation
What is easy to understand :
as above
What makes you feel good about yourself:
you understood parsec concept
you made $$$$
What will you tell your mates:
you made $$$
you discovered new consensus algo

Pyramid wins.

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