Aside from end user mesh can monopoly ISPs given state power routinely defeat access to SAFE?

So issue here is can an ISP detect the use of SAFE?

The Chinese State has some apparent difficulty with this how would US ISP more able in this regard?

Because if ISPs can, under proposed anti neutrality rules in US they can defacto ban a user permanently with no legal recourse and possibly no real alternative. Full throttling is a ban. We can’t even have the slippery slope on this stuff, can’t even make it through an election cycle with it.

Look at TWC ATT merger. It could ban someone for using ad block and will linearly find that in its economic interest. So look forward to more modal ads and more platform capture until the media resembles one way top down hierarchical cable TV an attention stealing propaganda device.

When Trump says neutrality is the new fairness doctrine (which was nothing more than a rule to prevent deathly conflict of interest in media) we can be sure he understands the issue to the very core. He just believes that only the rich should have a voice so the can own other people. Media in his mind should never be anything other than a commercial but good luck wanting or being able to afford in any way what is being sold because it might be you or your family members.

At this point its only the US and maybe China but states follow stupid precedent. Might be in for a hard lesson in why systems like SAFE are needed

It may be motivation for SAFE but its also, if the above concerns are valid, way more pressure for purpose built mesh hardware including line of site optical, LiFi, interference based stuff like pcell but it throw away even printable verifiable open solorized rasperberry pie cheap milspec. What they are doing is forcing us to cut the cord on their speech enclosure toll road.

Assange’s warning is facinating. Trump went down on Twitter, if that happened indefinitly he is giving the ISPs immunity. Sees this as jerrymandering or “you can only come to the US if you have money” type elitism but in trying to control speech on the internet he is turning it into more of a centralized spider where centralization is its point of failure. Could be a hard lesson. And who would they blame unfavorable results on?

Assuming that Maidsafe implement the obscuring of traffic then it will be difficult.

Imagine encrypted (https) traffic and them trying to detect one packet from another. One way is the destination IP address, another is the volume.

But if they blocked traffic to “unknown” hosts (ie not recognised web sites) then they will be killing of the multitudes of home game servers that so many people run. They will be killing of a number of other systems that governments and the serfs rely on. (E.G. Business VPNs, direct video conferencing)

If they look at volume then they will be killing of home game servers, video conferencing through direct systems, business VPN services, etc.

So I think the USA will have a harder time than China. China can simply block traffic across their boarders that exceed some sort of volume or is to “unknown” “hosts”

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Thank you that is helpful and paints the picture of some time to get end user owned hardware in SAFE Mesh.

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