Why is maidsafecoin going thru the roof?

think it hit 600+ yesterday some time…

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My interest in safe coin began when I payed for the ico with bitcoin because the safe network seems to be a very needed thing… Since then I’ve mostly forgot about the coin due to its value setting to the master coin ico value. My interest was renewed when I seen that Maid seems to have hit a clear bottom in value. At that point, traders start to feel more confident that if they buy the coin it will at least not lose value. I also feel the news of pending test net release is creating a sense of urgency for those wanting some maid at a very good price. I am also very interested in doing a little farming when the time comes :slight_smile:


Wow dropped back down to where it was a few days ago… pump n dump maybe?

IMO the fear that was present last year has gone; with a whole new year ahead; ever present constant work; crazily reduced code complexity; 10 year anniversary; confidence. The fact that it even jumped up this month at all should say something. Cynically speaking, manipulator(s) could have noticed this new energy, and P&D—after all, there’s still work to be done for many days ahead, so, the real hike won’t happen until even way way more confidence is shared by most.

As soon as BTC started rising again, 100+ BTC worth of MAID was sold – either by the person who had previously bought 2 million MAID at 5000+ Satoshis, or, by some other “whale.” (During the major rise and the major fall, I wasn’t present at the computer, so I couldn’t look at all the individual trades happening.) So that fear is still there. It depends on what the personality of big traders have I think, and it just so happens that MAID’s big traders are big wussies. But they cut their losses, at least to them.

I think when the chart is moving sideways, that, given what I’ve been saying here with new energy: dumpers / whales will be more reluctant to sell off some of their stash. Pair that along with extremely gradual rises happening—an outcome of said less fear—and you have a refreshing turning point… in lieu of some of last year’s extreme pessimism.


I agree with this. Many coins are dumped when btc rises and generally recover somewhat. Also, some pointed out the volume of traders is increasing significantly. The troll box on polo and Twitter is full of folks taking note of the potential they see in the chart. The fact that maid rechecked its “bottom” without breaking below it, could increase positive sentiment over time.

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I see maid supply still to be large, and btc still looking positive at the moment, I only see maid going up after another milestone is reached on safe network.

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Another factor is that maid is one of only 13 coins that are margin traded on Poloniex. So people can leverage buy and sell maid. They can use their fairly stable priced maid as leverage to margin buy one of the other 13 coins, maid gets liquidated when/if those bids don’t work out. I’m not sure how all this effects maids price fluctuation, but it likely has something to do with increasing volume of trades.

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If one sells MAID, he can sell at a higher price at Polo.
If one buys MAID, he can pay less at Polo.

It makes no economic sense to trade MAID at Bittrex.
If they cut their margin to 0, it would still not make sense, so…

I think your right presently. I sacrificed about 800 maid so far to support Bittrex volume. It does not make sense for the short term maid holder, but in the long term the outcome is very different. More exchanges means greater accessibility. So yes, I was just asking for a small sacrifice for the good of the whole.

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Looks like maid is being accumulated again. The bottom is looking strong at 3800 range.

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Whee!!! Knocked on 5700 there…

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I’m glad my bags doth overflow :wink:

You know with such low vol and little resistence (only 8 mill on exchange) this could really zoom up after live launch with real safecoins (presuming we see them on polo etc).

Hopefully a lot of early adopters catch on and start using safenet quickly - especially the wallet/messanger feature for their secure messaging - I know I will on the day it’s available.


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The days of dreaming for quick rises to sell off / day trade are coming to a close, ever so gradually. Keep a cautious lookout for the time of unrelenting buys. (There are a lot of people on Poloniex now, with mucho Ethereum profit. All coins will have pumps, logically speaking; in a likely sense.)


It seems the sensible thing to be a pure bag holder/investor in safenet now… I’ll never buy at 3800sats again (unless btc goes epic), so trading at this point becomes silly. I won’t be selling for years I don’t think.

A lot of people just got burned in eth, but you can’t cheat and honest trader… buy a lot very early and hold for a very long time imo, through all the bubbles, that’s my strategy here anyway. I really believe in this project, 100%!


I’m wondering how the introduction of actual safecoin and the dynamics with using safecoin to pay for data storage will affect the whole pump and dump game both for safecoin and crypto in general.


Yes, it’s an interesting question. I mean real utility should drive up price/demand, but people can and will farm their own coins in most cases rather than buying them on an exchange, so we might expect maid to be quite stable. On the other hand, any killer app, network effect, mass adoption type scenario would likely see a real surge in value of/demand for coins (possibly for things outside of safenet resources) and if backed by utility rather than speculation, one would not expect it to be subject to the usual big retraces that we see in highly speculative trading assets.

Can’t wait to see hw it actually plays out :slightly_smiling:


Keep in mind North America has really low quality internet compared to Europe and other parts of the world and has tons of internet caps. People might start buying safecoin because the bar to farm might be too high as the global standard for internet usage is too high.


I do think that the market caps of all crypto currencies is so low right now that in the near and medium term that they will continue to be volatile and able to be easily manipulated. The BTC market cap is $5.7 billion today and the amount of USD believed to be in circulation is around $17 Trillion. I’m hopeful that the ability for anyone to easily farm safecoin will decentralise ownership and the utility will ensure good circulation - these factors should provide some price stability. As you say, it sure will be fun watching it unfold.


I hope we will see the US Internet improve. It wasn’t something I had been aware of until I saw you and others pointed this out in the forum. The US seems so bogged down in regulation and lobbying that it will probably take new technologies, such as off earth satellites, to provide the competition required for the ISPs to start behaving themselves.


Wrong topic and meant to post else where.