When is the exact launch date of the MVP?

When is the exact launch date of the MVP?

If is is still not decided, When will the MVP is expected to be released?

There is no exact launch date. I could guess at least 3 more weeks based on the last @dirvine post.
Please stay tuned, follow weekly updates by @Ross and the vaults will be delivered sooner then it could be imaginable when all circumstances are being taken into account.

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We are all wating the MPV roll out, exciting moment

Something we’ll know in hindsight.

Best to expect longer and be pleasantly surprised.

It could take weeks, it could take months…

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We are sure it won’t take years …:wink:

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Setting dates for future events often ends in tears, so a roadmap that lays out the general order of events is the best way to show the future.

There is a new roadmap in development that will allow us to see more detail of the upcoming events in the works.

The latest on this:

Development roadmap : Scott / Shankar

During the main website update we found that our (then) current implementation of the roadmap didn’t adequately communicate the features we were working on. We began to think of how we could improve on this and one area of focus was making sure people new to the project could follow the roadmap to some degree.

However, it was also key that the design did not only cater for those new to the project, it was important that dedicated followers could also drill down and get much more information and detail. To do this we designed an interactive approach inspired by Gantt charts, where users could navigate down into features to see more detail.

Work on implementing this design began over Christmas and New Year and a first draft of this was completed in January, though it has taken a bit of a back seat during February when we concentrated efforts on the testnet. This week we are focusing again on reviewing and fixing these issues.