When is MaidSafe Launching?

@ustulation is the API king around here. I am pretty sure we will be providing a c interface amongst others. The priority will be on the client API, but can be applied to all libs I imagine with some ease.

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Ya I already dabbled in what is call Foreign Function Interface (FFI) in Rust. I’ve got a working POC here, which uses Python front-end to call into Rust Library (rlib). It goes via C interface indirection so that SWIG can be used to easily get the final interface files for many target languages. Of-course it’s done with the intention of only having myself understand it so it may not be utterly descriptive or tutorial-oriented. The README there is all i wrote to provide some description. But the code is simple and might give some idea on how things are done.

In Rust extern is already an extern C by default, so merely extern is enough as far as i remember.


I really appreciate how patient the Maidsafe staff is in explain their progress to everyone. Of course people are going to want to use the product very soon. It’s like being hungry in a restaurant and waiting for the food to come out. Everyone is so excited. Personally I am willing to wait longer and get a better product. Don’t launch until everything is really perfect.