What’s up today? (Part 1)

Very technical article in nature about how to safe data in powder (which can be tranformed to a solid).
This method is for the moment in an early R&D stage: slow and not much data can be stored (think QR codes). According to the researcher (in Dutch) it will take decades to make it fast enough. He sees it as a plan b. Long term advantage is that this kind of storage takes less energy, can store much more and longer and no heavy metals are necessary, like in USB sticks or HDisks.

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I’m sure you’re right about that one. But I’m hoping for the brain to just drain over to other distros. That’s the beauty of open source, isn’t it. Linux Mint, based on Ubuntu, based on Debian is my favorite, so I’m hoping there is a bit of drain that way. Be it up or down stream. :slight_smile:

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I’ve heard there was a guy who recently left IBM and started working at Red Hat. He isn’t happy…
Maybe the acquisition is not a bad thing. You could say that Red Hat already had too much influence on the development of Linux. This could get more attention now, which could lead to a better reaction to prevent such centralization.
Maybe there are a couple of unhappy Network Engineers at Red Hat now…


My thoughts exactly :+1:t2:

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People are starting to realize Oyster (PRL) is an exit scam. The fact that people will invest their hard earned money in projects with an anonymous team blows my mind…


It’s a strange world.

I wonder if @whiteoutmashups or somebody has heard anything from these anonymous @Gamerbits people.


I share the sentiment, but only tentatively.

Firstly, the crypto sphere has a rich history of open dishonesty or just plain incompetence (the end result is the same) and most were not by anonymous people or teams. Complementary to that, anonymity does not necessarily imply dishonesty, and bitcoin itself was founded anonymously.

Secondly, the lack and/or ambiguity of regulation can be a huge deterrent to start a project because it implies unforeseen, and possibly damning, costs in the future. Anonymity may help with that.

Thirdly, there’s always the chance of getting filthy rich in the process of doing anything crypto these days. It’s a meager chance objectively, but everybody thinks they will be the one, and many of those wouldn’t want either the spotlight itself or the very real dangers that would come with it.

You’re most likely correct. It’s the first time I hear about Oyster but scam and/or incompetence are the first things I assume whenever I hear about any new cryptocurrency.


22 posts were split to a new topic: Storj Launches Version 3 of Its Decentralized Cloud Storage Platform



Old (and I disagree with a lot) but good. Credit where credit is due.

" No more shadows

Yet in the long-run, the information imperialists have already failed. This investigation is based entirely on open source techniques, made viable largely in the context of the same information revolution that enabled Google. The investigation has been funded entirely by members of the public, through crowd-funding. And the investigation has been published and distributed outside the circuits of traditional media, precisely to make the point that in this new digital age, centralized top-down concentrations of power cannot overcome the power of people, their love of truth and justice, and their desire to share.

What are the lessons of this irony? Simple, really: The information revolution is inherently decentralized, and decentralizing. It cannot be controlled and co-opted by Big Brother. Efforts to do so will in the end invariably fail, in a way that is ultimately self-defeating.

The latest mad-cap Pentagon initiative to dominate the world through control of information and information technologies, is not a sign of the all-powerful nature of the shadow network, but rather a symptom of its deluded desperation as it attempts to ward off the acceleration of its hegemonic decline.

But the decline is well on its way. And this story, like so many before it, is one small sign that the opportunities to mobilize the information revolution for the benefit of all, despite the efforts of power to hide in the shadows, are stronger than ever."

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Even though I know the technical reasons of using the term “blockchain”, I have to admit it sounds rather ominous in english too. I think “tree” or “graph” is a lot more positive and has a better effect on the subconscious than “chain”.

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Love how that butthurt NPC SJW just repeats his 4am talking points. Maybe he should wake up and do his homework before regurgitating falsified studies. F’ing Cultural Marxists are the least self-critical people on the planet. So dumb. Much butthurt. Very victim.


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Linux Weekly News has an article about Solid - with several critical points, one of which being the lack of encryption (which coupling with SAFEnet intents to provide): Solid: a new way to handle data on the web [LWN.net]




I moved the discussions about Storj releasing Version 3 to its own topic. You can find it here


Predictions: Google gets broken up a la Bell, Twitter transitions to something decentralized to protect First Amendment principals, and Facebook completely collapses through legal troubles and user exodus. Silicon Valley collapses, valuations collapse, unicorns return to Neverland.

EDIT: And Amazon fails to compete once the real cost of business is accounted for and forced upon them, i.e. USPS. Small businesses gain advantage and begin to eat away at the edges.


For SAFE / Solid Web developers: