What’s up today? (Part 1)

I’m guessing this will mean it will be much more centralised too.


Bitcoin now has roughly the same amount of users as the Internet had in 1997.

I don’t have a source for this, just came off of the fediverse … so believe it or not.

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What’s up yesteryear…


Saw this elsewhere. Would like to see all of the news articles form 2000 that were attacking the internet.
Print media really didn’t like the competition - but eventually they learned to love it.

I wonder how they will react to the SAFENet


The Daily Mail. Just as accurate today as it’s always been…


This headline is probably correct, just easy to misinterpret. According to Internet Growth Statistics, there were about 361 million Internet users in December 2000, so not a stretch to think a few million gave up on it, thinking it was a fad.

“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics”

This headline would probably just qualify for the third one.

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5 posts were split to a new topic: Looking Asian

More depressing tales of waste just to make Jeff a bit richer


This needs to be made illegal at gov levels and hopefully globally too. It’s the largest contributor to planet damage. We must get rid of waste and stop creating it.


Yes, waste is bad, but I don’t really think it is reasonable to think that it could be eliminated. I think it sort of comes down to planning / predicting the future, which isn’t possible to do totally accurately. In fact, the trend toward “just in time” supply chains would be an indication that people are trying to drive in the direction of less waste. But we have seen that the trade-off here is that the supply chain then also becomes less stable and predictable.


Just in TIme or JIT is ALL about the accountants wanting to make paper savings by keeping less inventory and WIP (Work in Progress) and the space/storage costs.
JIT encourages single purpose/product manufacturing facilities, discourages flexibility and shifts many burdens onto the suppliers who are then screwed into the ground by the capitalists with the deeper pockets.
JIT helps nobody but the big guys. It has sod-all to do with eliminating waste, it is all about eliminating profit for anyone except the corporation. It encourages wasteful part-loads to be delivered frequently in smaller trucks, often several times a day rather than one delivery of optimum efficiency (carbon-wise) as required.
JIT is no friend to the planet.



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Today is the longest day of the year. It’s all downhill from here…

Happy Midsummer, everybody!


Aye, the nights are fair drawing in…

A phrase beloved of my grandparents, lovely people but hellish pessimistic. Thats what an utterly repressive religion (Free Church of Scotland) will do for you…


The inevitable descent into darkness is a far more comforting concept than rebirth, blooming and all of that kind of crap


6tb for 142$


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Ow its my safe net forum cake day, in the longest day of the year :stuck_out_tongue:


Happy Cake Day Chris! :pancakes: :cake: :cupcake: :fish_cake: :moon_cake:


If my calculations are correct - but still trying to maintain a little of your privacy - the sun should not actually set for you tonight?

I’m at 57.9 north , its 2140Z and its broad daylight. I doubt the streetlights will come on at all tonight. The sun has just dipped behind the hills to the NW.

EDIT I’m wrong - the Arctic Circle is at 66°33′48.6″ not 60deg – wrong again… doh…

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I’m at approximately 60°12’N
The sun sort of sets for five hours, but it’s still light at night. Like daylight in the winter.


Aha! Coordinates for dastardly chicken seeking missile reset