What’s up today? (Part 1)

Why It’s bad for safe?

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From reddit:

Copay appears to have over 1400 transitive dependencies, including many trivial ‘oneliners’, every one of them is a ripe piece of attack surface.

“treating libraries like Linux packages” thing with npm, pip, cargo, etc. is very convenient for devs, but unbelievably insecure. Nobody checks these packages before they’re published to begin with, and updates are usually allowed to happen automatically, so you’re basically giving random people a backdoor into the software you’re running/publishing.


Because safe was planning on using it to help crust connect. The more bad press it gets, the more likely it will start having routers ship with it turned off by default.


The parts are accurate…is the whole? Clearly biased but interesting thoughts about PKI and other little known facts about internet politics…and a heavy dose of theory. Still, worth a read.

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No need for conspiracy theories:

(The CA model is broken)


Nice, 17.


Nice list! Best 4 last.

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This archipelago is one of the great trafficking centers of the world. So, why is it at the center of what (according to the word on the street) is the activation of some classified long-range, low-energy communications technology? Someone seems to be releasing the secret technology Kraken. Infrastructure is so much easier and cheaper when the world itself is included among the possible mediums instead of these ridiculously high no-bid government contracts. Maybe we won’t need 5G if someone’s already figured out low-energy gravity wave communication…

Still strange?

The street is full of idiots. That wave had sub-Hz frequencies so you could transmit something like a whopping 0.1 bits/second when the weather is nice.

Well, by definition a classified technology would work in a way most don’t yet understand. There’s the fact that the 11/11 date for a global wave was predicted months ago and also this:
Think WAVES.
Define ‘unified’
SAT knockout forced new CLAS tech [online] by who?
[Controlled] moment activated? [17]
Do you believe in coincidences?

For most people, this is way further into the realm of “conspiracy” than their willing to explore.

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It’s a hard mathematical limitation posed by the frequency of the signal, something we completely understand. Classified technology can’t rewrite fundamental truth about numbers.

Well, then I’m sure you understand there’s no way to go over the Shannon limit, classified tech or not. Once something’s proven it’s proven forever exactly because it’s not physics but mathematics.

Is it proven that there was a magma chamber collapse? Is it proven that it wasn’t some kind of man-made signal? Classified communications tech exists. Lack of human understanding exists. Things we think are impossible now will be possible in the future. Maybe in this case, the specific aspect of a low frequency signal doesn’t lend itself to a communications channel, but does that make it a magma chamber collapse? Where’s the science? Where’s the openness to looking at data, other possibilities, even a false flag that is a coordinated media push? So many routes to explore, yet so much scientism.

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a) Nope, though unlikely. Woulda needed too much energy.

b) Sure thing. However, this particular signal would’ve been utterly useless for that purpose.

c) Until something is mathematically proven, after which we know it is true. In this case, the frequency of the signal puts such a low limit on the information that can be reliably transmitted that… read point b)

d) Unless they are mathematically proven to be impossible. Again, the Shannon limit isn’t a physical limitation, it’s a mathematical one, and we’ve know about it for 50+ years.

I’m not arguing about the magma chamber thing, by the way. That site / channel is a bit sensationalist to me and I’m not exactly confident about how reliable they are.



A post was merged into an existing topic: Discussion about Qanon, Trump etc

Now this is a good piece of news. The most legit group of architects and engineers (aka conspiracy theorists to some) are finally getting their day in court to present the nanothermite case. I wonder who helped remove the roadblock…maybe someone that knows a little something about NYC buildings?

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Just got an e-mail that I was affected by this… Another wouldn’t have happened if I controlled my own data.