What’s up today? (Part 1)

Yeah, and often times we have no choice. For example, I have done a deep dive in the Maidsafe Github, but when I come back to surface, all I can do is to brush off all the various letters and symbols - and keep trusting to what they say in Dev Updates. :smiley:

“Do your own research” …yeah, right… :yawning_face:

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Ha ha. Yeah, deep dives require varying degrees of knowledge of the subject matter. I, myself, am Github-averse.


Not 100% certain it was Malcolm X who said this but I’m sure neo will fact check for us :joy:

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No, they did it to improve the privacy of iPhone users. That’s been a selling point they’ve pushed for a few years now. Personally I’m still not a fan for other reasons, but I think they do have some credibility in this respect.


Why? Please give me a rational explanation why you would watch or share anything of Alex Jones’.

What’s your beef? If you haven’t watched it, then how would you know anything about it? Assuming what you don’t know is the slave mindset.


More like “Where’s the beef?”.

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I really don’t need to. I’ve seen enough Alex Jones for my lifetime. He’s a sack of shit that spews nothing but bullshit and I have a hard time wrapping my head around how someone as smart as you can listen to such a charlatan.


Well, let’s all hope the Safe Network chat forums (in whatever form they take after launch) allow free speech, which includes your right to not click the link and watch the video. Is there a personality out there that offers the measured, objective, sourced, and logical take on the world that confirms your own set of values, standards, and biases that you wish to share?


Is this the same guy?

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Finding that sounds impossible in the first place and I think may be part of peoples problem.

The issue is too complex to boil down without a dedicated thread and it’s not even personal besides my concern for some peoples beliefs becoming radical and following figure heads into the darkness.

Tyler most definitely has the right to post this. I have the right to block or ignore him though I choose not to. I also have the right to show concern but I see your point. If I don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.

I’ve seen where Alex Jones takes people. Because I actually do like Tyler and what he has to say quite often I find it hard not to prod sometimes. If folks take issue with that then I can respectfully cut my concern of certain community members.


One only has so much time to spend on reading/listening/watching. Discretion makes that exercise manageable. Apparently, some of us either have an awful lot of spare time available or don’t bother with the discretion part.


This is a very good video, and I watched it with great interest. Thx @19eddyjohn75



Privacy. Security. Freedom


What I find to be a good general solution to feelings or perceptions of moral outrage on forums and social media when I’m offended by a particular user or their post … is to block the user (I can’t see their posts then). This method works quite effectively on this forum as well.

Of course, if the post violates community guidelines, then ideally I’d inform the moderators.

As a consequence of the user-block, I feel no desire to share my outrage at the post, the user, and/or whole of the forum regarding the particular user and the post that offended me.

Sometimes (but usually not in my experience) it’s a difficult decision as blocking a user can be a significant loss in regards to engagement and sharing of mutually interesting information, but most of the time I find that for peace of mind, it’s worth the price IMHO and the best part is … I’m not pushing my personal morality/ethics on the community and so nobody is being censored or being driven to self-censor.

Instead I’m taking responsibility for my own feelings and perceptions in a manner that effectively manages them without having to negatively affect others.

I’m just speaking from my own experiences. I hope this message helps others here.


Good points. I don’t think I’ve ever blocked anyone here though, because I would then miss parts of the community, whether somebody’s posts trigger me or not.

I will opt out of a topic once I realise I’m finding it hard to abstain and not getting enough out of it. Topics are less of a loss, especially once the conversation is no longer interesting to me, so I prefer to do that although I’ve only done it a couple of times in all these years.

I don’t think it’s ok to censor what others post, so long as it is acceptable to the community (eg within guidelines) but only moderators can do that anyway - I think they do a good job of letting conversation flow while keeping things relevant and useful.

I think it’s ok to question why somebody would post something, eg from a particular source, although I don’t tend to do that much myself because it tends to generate more heat than light! :fire:



:star_struck: :exploding_head:


This is kind of loaded to me. By sharing what you hold to be factual or close to your personal beliefs then are you not pushing your personal morality and ethics? I get the vibe that when you have a discussion with anyone here and share your opinion, that is what you are doing. But we all do it so I don’t get the holier than thou posturing.

I don’t like censorship in general but I’m not against it in the right context. I think who has that power and to what degree is what makes the difference. I cannot censor you, full stop. Only mods could here and they take great care to allow free speech but if it crosses a line then I often end up agreeing that it isn’t a bad thing. Because that can be a slippery slope I understand and respect peoples beliefs for pure immutability and censorship resistance.

If one is concerned with being self censored then by all means go ahead and live inside of your little bubble or echo chamber. It’s funny that I don’t want to mute anyone but questioning someone directly can elicit such a response. It’s not like it’s an attack on anyones soul or core self, just a held belief or what I perceive as misplaced judgement to a source of information. Don’t take it personally.

If one cannot directly challenge someone’s beliefs without the other self censoring who’s fault is that really? Can we not question each other now? Can one not deal with being questioned? If one doesn’t have the energy or time, I actually understand but then I won’t take much else seriously. The fact that some people seem to have unlimited time to dig into what I consider misinformation sprinkled with a grain of truth makes it feel somewhat pointless to comment and yes I could just mute or censor them for myself aka filter them out but then I end up in an echo chamber.

Like I’ve mentioned I’ve listened to Alex Jones and watched him purely to understand who he was and what he was actually doing without taking anyone else’s judgements and I concluded that he was a charlatan. Then I got to see my cousin and other family members go down the rabbit hole and repeat word for word phrases like they were little parrots and not be able to source or even explain their perspectives of the “research” they did.

Personally I get concerned this shit gets spread around and the fact that it’s more interesting than boring facts and reality means it spreads faster, so fast that many just start sharing misinformation after just reading the headline. People honestly just need to unplug and go for a damn walk and deal with the people in their IRL community. When they all tell you you’re crazy you can feel self censored again. But then that magical place on the internet where you can block those that disagree waits and we can finally hear another person echo our own thoughts back to us in a beautiful feed back loop of comfort. Feels good man.

Just to be clear, at this point, where I live and how far this kind of information spreads and who I interact with on a daily basis, it is I who feels self censored. I need no one’s pity. All I can do is look around a bit disappointed. I don’t see myself as smarter or better than btw, we’re all just humans with the same kludgy brains. Some might have a more efficient OS (not claiming I’m one) but we all have pretty much the same proclivities because of our hardware. I just think people are succumbing to base functions in our flawed BIOS. :man_shrugging:

Either way, I won’t block anyone and though I’ll try my best to respect others I will also try to feel free to speak my mind just as we all have the right to.


Sad to see that the need for the SAFE Network is more critical than ever. The global gas-lighting campaign is in full bloom. Here in the US, it’s been going on since Trump took office in 2017 (or earlier depending on who you ask), all the way up until even this week as the definition of the term ‘Recession’ is being changed in front of our very, lying eyes to fit the Biden Admin’s new narrative. Total Global Population Control is the end goal. Right now, the US (and it’s current system of Gov’t on paper anyway) is standing in the way of that objective. Once we fall, and historical empire trend analysis say we will, it will not take long for national sovereignty and borders to totally collapse. Will the SAFE Network be matured and viable by that point? Who knows. Because if they are not, whatever new network (or social credit control system) is launched will not allow anonymous, free-speech, underground, decentralized networks like SAFE Network to exist, at least for us unwashed masses. I’m afraid the world’s governance is evolving faster than the Safe Network team is coding, and the aperture for it’s world-changing idea to recover our privacy is closing fast. OR, it could turn out that the new world government could use the SAFE Network for its own systems and networks. Would that be ironic?

Would you mind sharing your definition of “fall”?

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