What’s up today? (Part 1)

Pine has some 2GB & 4GB boards available to ship in 2 weeks.

Sharing in case anyone else is tired of trying to get pi’s.

Last time these were in stock it was very brief and I missed the boat, took about 3 months to get back in stock.


I thought this was an interesting insight to those who seem to actively expose their lives online, with little respect for privacy.

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The Guardian did a similar experiment in London using several accomplished musicians of different kinds a few years ago. Same result.


Really fun episode of This American Life this week about a guy who stumbles his way into the belly of the NFT beast after somewhat accidentally coming a millionaire:


Oh man, that’s great! ROFL. Quite skeptical of what Adam says regarding how much he bought at the end … any public statement of his could be used against him by the US IRS.

The pumping and dumping is the early phase of any market trying to figure out the price of something new. Markets move erratically as traders “play” with the product to figure out it’s real value for themselves and society.

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Concern relevant to web3/DeFi:

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The irony is not lost on me that this is from the same dude who has spend the past year railing against masks in any form.


Graydon Hoare, the guy who kicked off the Rust project while at Mozilla, an interview from 2019:

“I don’t especially like the web and I dream of a different world where we built a different information infrastructure.” → has any one told this chap about Safe!?

Don’t want to get religious here, but he’s also an Emacs user :smiley:


I knew there was something :smiley:


:face_with_monocle: Tyler Durden is John Doe

lol … hmmm


Monsters are real:

Privacy. Security. Freedom


I understood very little of this but it sounds terrible! Who would trust money to a system like this?

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Once trapped in that system it’s going to be very hard to get out. Say windows updates their OS to something you hate and so you want to switch to Linux … oh, but you have to create all new accounts on the services you use, because they won’t allow you to move it over … while I’m sure it would be technically possible to do so, you wait and see - there won’t be an option for that.

Storing allerede your private keys on a single device would be a bad idea not only in case you want to switch OS, but you could lose your laptop etc.

Better use multiple devices and possibly backups.

There are physical keys like yubikey and you can even use certain hardware wallets.Trezor for example supports this standard and you can regenerate the key from a seed phrase you can write down.


You can replicate keys from one device to another so you aren’t screwed of one device is lost or fails. I don’t know about backups, but replication has a similar effect even if it wasn’t supported, but it seems an obvious feature.

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You can’t replicate Yubikeys which strikes me as more of a weakness than a strength as most people are probably more likely to lose their key than to get hacked. You can get around that by buying several keys and registering sites/apps with each, but that gets expensive.