What’s up today? (Part 1)

This is awesome and shows the power of WASM. So getting relational DB on Safe hosted websites is now done and dusted!


Yeah. since it’s just a static website he doesn’t have a way to write, shouldn’t be a problem with SAFE though.

What’s really great is that even with a database that’s around 700 megabytes, the indexes and stuff is set up so that each query only needs to fetch a couple kilobytes.


Jumping the gun a bit there - certainly it looks like read-only access is doable with some faffing. No doubt said faffing will soon be transparently wrapped for most of us but its still just RO.

Which is great and not to be understated but we are still a long way from full relational DB functionality.


The trick that’s done here is to make a virtual file system on top of read only HTTP range requests. For SAFE the virtual filesystem would need to be rewritten to use SAFE instead and I don’t think writes should be an issue.

The HTTP Range requests I guess would need to be replaced with something getting individual chunks from SAFE.

SQLLite organizes it’s database in “pages”, so the page size would need to be configured to be the same as the chunk size.

In the article pages were configured to be 1 KiB. Not sure what the chunk size for SAFE is at the moment.


A great wee read



Not just humans impacting privacy; security; and freedoms…

U.N. human rights chief Michelle Bachelet on Sept. 15 urged members states to put a temporary ban on the sale and use of AI until the potential risks it poses have been addressed and adequate safeguards put in place to ensure the technology will not be abused.


Was that an AI bot like response you deleted?.. :grinning:

For anyone who does not really understand the Evergrande fiasco. I did not, Preston does a good job of explaining it, I think.


There was also this below earlier today.

Coupled with the misstep in the UK energy prices and preparedness for that kind of fundamental disruptive, I wondered in a brittle environment that surprises will come form alsorts of direction.
With the US removing debt ceiling to end next year to be expected the Chinese will eat Ever.thing as needed but the liability for us all grows…

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Good luck to anyone trying to predict anything in the current climate, it’s wild out there.

Anyone know what Michael Burry’s take is?


My blood boils whenever humans speak of human rights. We have no human rights, if AI threatens human rights it’s only because we gave it the training data. Julian Assange, drone strike in Kabul. Sure you can act cute and dare to speak of human rights, but AI will just find enough data on the internet that doesn’t back up humans their claims. Lol nobody control AI on the SAFE Network, f**k these hypocr… :crazy_face:


That is botlike…

We have human rights that are the inverse of the imposition of selfish interests. That they are abused, is a reflection of vulnerability. Yes, we need Safe Network because it gives people the tools they lack to defend their interests and those rights.

Alt way to express it is that the inverse of rights is wrongs… there are those dull minded who think they can exploit others without regard or mandate or limit relative to what is simply competitive behaviour. The world is only dog eat dog because the dogs are untrained in the basics of what is better for all and for the individual. Actions contrary to human rights, just reflect levels of stupidity and are the worst of behaviours… a default.


The social contract is a great start and an amazing read. Man is flawed beast and no matter how much we want him to be noble, he is not. When the chips are down, its a wolf eat wolf world.

The strong always prevails unless there are mechanism to prevent it. We all would like to be free, but freedom must stop when the freedom of another individual starts. The stronger will never stop on their own, look at our flawled history.

Anyway, just came here to say this, on my merry way, back to thinking about rainbows and unicorns ;).


When UN elected Saudi Arabia to be a part of the Human Rights Council then they lost all future credibility and seems like a failed organization. There must be some corrupt evil shit going on in the UN organization, can never trust another word from them on humnan rights.


Trust in truth, and care not the messenger.

The UN is not failed… it’s useful for enabling communication and from that we can only hope better understanding… or at least less opportunity for assumptions of the worst of others that provides better stability. Still, it’s politics… put clowns in a room and wonder on occasion they are right and too often just reflect the current normal.

We’d be worse off if there was not something like the UN… but we could do so much better across all of politics. If only people had a voice and were not liable to overmoderation by those who know what is best for all of us…

We need a meme like law like Godwin… every topic eventually notes why we need the Safe Network :smiley:


SHORT IT!!! Lol, jk that’d just be my guess.

There needs to be different tiers, so as a game you can level up. Saudia Arabia could be in tier 5, being a part of the UN human rights cuncil as listeners and observers and if they behave well then they could get xp and level up to the next tier.

Similar problem with the European union with poorly developed countries having too much influence and equal access to economy and traveling, which gives corruption, huge influx of organized crime travelers, weapons, drugs and trafficking.

Before people should get a voice they need to learn how to use their brains. As of today, sheeps don’t need a voice, they need guidance. From observation most people seems to like moderate suffering, if they are doing too well of they just become self centered unicorn believers who don’t care about anything but will gladly destroy all good things around them and others. The world is both madness and sometimes sanity mixed as some pervers soupe.

Well it all looks rotten and corrupt atm because politics is resting on an economics that’s resting on the fallacy of printing money solving all problems. The lack of negative feedback does not allow critical thinking and behaviours to drive quality. Avoidable errors… there are so many… we need tools for force that feedback loop and for issues to find traction against what is reality and not just propaganda. but we are drifting off topic a bit…

The problem is not

The problem is people. If people want and care about making a good economy then they can do that, but not enough people seems to care. Crypto is seen as a savior but many times seems just like more of the same, fraudsters paradise were the fraudsters rise to the top like whipped cream, rewarding bad behaviour.


No… that’s the lazy error that leads to mass murder!

Why would people care about making a good economy?.. people are interested in the environment that serves their best interests. The making of a good economy is a wisdom of the crowd that evolves over time; people as individuals are lazy in the sense they will often necessarily take the easier path… they don’t have the energy to be fighting on all fronts, especially where it’s not their more priority… so, laws of averages kick into encouraging an indulgence of what is easy.

There was some reason to do a bit of print money as fiat for the flexibility that affords but the gross error of leaving it unbounded, tempted easy excesses and simple solutions. Why put the effort in rather than just do more of what provides immediate positive feedback and gives those around you what they want. It’s why we suffered the likes of Tony Blair… playing into the lazy establishment - who notably still have wet dreams about another of the same ilk coming to save them.

Still, fallacies are no good for the medium and long term… what worked for a generation, is coming back to haunt us - with reality forcing the basic math.

That finance was broken, necessarily corrupted economics - growth in everything and no negative push from the reality of resources - gross errors there then and in politics; civil society is equally compromised, as is establishment… we’ve had a few decades now of near negligible negative feedback. Those with superiority complexes running amuck and denying their errors… is just another end of the same. Try telling truth to power and they will mock you suggesting you should not bite off more than you can chew… because they think they know better… because they can pull rabbits out of a hat… or that was the way it was.