What’s up today? (Part 1)

well, went okay … mostly good, just a biiiitttt of a hard landing … booom!

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I’ve been looking out for details on this rumor of a US treasury dept. ban on self-hosting of wallets as it sounds awful. I will post news on this as I find it. Unsure how such a ban might affect Safe Network tokens down the track - are tokens even ‘hosted’ locally? - suspect they are actually stored on the network itself. Safe is so revolutionary it’s going to shake up everything.


They would indeed be stored on the network.
Isn’t the same true of blockchains though?
The coins are on the ledger, not in your wallet.

I guess our wallets aren’t self hosted either though, but they’ll probably say its " your cloud" so still self hosted.

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Perhaps self-hosting is more about holding the private keys yourself. With Safe, I’m unsure how this might be viewed legally.

My understanding of the rumor is that it is not a ban as such. They want to prevent exchanges from allowing withdrawals to anonymous self hosted Wallets. If you certify that it belongs to you then that is ok.

I think this may have been linked to before, apologies if so.

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But if you can withdraw to a wallet you verify you control, nothing stops you from then moving it to an unverified wallet … so the only difference would be extra steps.

I don’t think the US Tres. Dept. has released details yet, so maybe it’s all speculation.

I would think maybe it’ll be a kyc type thing.
If you send to an unregistered wallet there could be consequences to you for doing so.

In practise I dont see how it will work as ppl will just register with stolen / forged documents if they’re worried about illicit coins.

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Thanks for sharing. Im a big fan of kurzgesagt videos

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Looks like France is making a move. And let’s be honest here - these “bans” of anonymous accounts are NOT really about money laundering - they are about preventing the evasion of State managed extortion.


Translation: They are about preventing parasites from making off with too much of the common wealth.

Anarchist when it suits, Good citizen when it comes to using common resources like roads, education, public utilities - oh and the defence umbrella.

The defence umbrella thats responsible for our unjust wars?


that’s the one :slight_smile:


It’s a shame the majority of these parasites are at the top of the “common wealth” food chain dictating what the common man should pay on his hard earned wealth whilst also contributing less :man_shrugging:t3:


It is the death throws of a nationalised monetary system. Denationalised currencies will continue to roll in and it will change the way the world thinks about money.

People have become very accepting of the all seeing state eye, but I don’t think it will last. When their control of the money supply slips out of their grasp, it will usher in a new model of taxation. I suspect it will be based around property, which cannot easily be evaded. That’s no bad thing though, as those Georgists were probably onto something - tax the rent seekers, for they are using state force to extract wealth from the poor.


I added an automatic translation of the weekly news and shared it in Twitter and Facebook


Could be big news for Ethereum price.


Naomi covers the recent push to make stable coins illegal amongst other related topics.


Good video. And the Ron Paul clip was icing on the cake. It makes sense though, governments more than anything are afraid of losing control. Gaddafi had to go because he wanted to free himself from the dollar. Same for Saddam Hussein. Now common people are standing up to government monopolies on money printing. As president Andrew Jackson said, “The bank … is trying to kill me, but I will kill it!” May we finally kill the creature from Jekyll Island and all its counterparts!