What’s up today? (Part 1)


You know you want to :slight_smile:

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There is actually a bit of patented software I believe. I’m not sure how all that works given the licensing but for example I think self-encryption and self-authentication are both patented. Regardless, I agree with Mark that it wouldn’t have the immediate understanding and support of all the libs that Maidsafe have and will provide, along with the best first hand experience to build feature rich apps. I remember when someone tried forking Tezos because of all the drama and that was dead in the water so quick. People didn’t take it seriously or even pay them mind, lol the community just kinda shrugged and ignored it.


safe dog safe://hnyybycoubh8zsq77prd3poa6w168g6rj7azue68yo5qkbqxpoxhxus8ghy9e
Native data type: SeqMutableData
Type tag: 1000
XOR name: 0x2130f0f7b3bbd690796c31ea4bc737889ee2f3478e086dca0b9ed83f8f9d8e6e
XOR-URL: safe://hnyybycoubh8zsq77prd3poa6w168g6rj7azue68yo5qkbqxpoxhxus8ghy9e

Your receiving address is a wallet (I think)… I get this error when I try to send you 1SAFE (sorry I’m broke that’s all I could send @ the moment).

ewa@ewa-System-Product-Name:~$ safe keys transfer 1 --from 54cc39b47d9beb50f74cadc32d77855766b30e02e6e31c6e41035c766ec8255c --to safe://hnyybycoubh8zsq77prd3poa6w168g6rj7azue68yo5qkbqxpoxhxus8ghy9e
[2020-05-28T04:44:33Z ERROR safe] safe-cli error: [Error] AccessDenied - Couldn’t read source Wallet for the transfer at “safe://hnyybycoubh8zsq77prd3poa6w168g6rj7azue68yo5qkbqxpoxhxus8ghy9e”

I don’t know if this makes any sense, but in your wallet, you’ll also need to create a SafeKey and you can use this SafeKey to receive the funds. I’m sure @bochaco can correct me if I’m wrong. :slightly_smiling_face:

To be real honest, i prevent all of this by
Creating a SafeKey first, second link a NRS to it… I thought that I could just send the 1SAFE to you at sendmoneynow right away, but I couldn’t. The last thing we want is for people to come on the SAFE Network and send funds to safe://hbyyyybmbqemz8ze7mgkjbtmmaj6kw5pobetcrsi178ace9d985aqaumzt

ain’t nobody got time for that
preferably we want to save each other time and enjoy our new home, just my 1safe…


VPN issues is all to do with DNS being slow to update. THe TLS handshake fails till the DNS entries are fully updated.

My linux machines use a VPN and they could not pass the TLD handshake till DNS updated fully

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Ooh @Warren :joy:


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May be of interest to some folks here? :point_up:

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Very few of us believe that one…

Some VERY heavy censorship going on in UK at the moment. Scots are used to it but your average English person is starting to noticce little “inconsistencies” in the way the state-controlled BBC and the state-approved press report issues.
North Korea would be very jealous of the control the UK Govt has over the media.

Twitter != UK. I’ve the impression that Twitter makes a living with such discussion (a lot of it) generating topics. Another reason I think this Anti-porn filter story is probably true: I’v seen things like cummmings trending for a longer time. If there was active censorship, I would expect them to censor that too.

They tried to censor that too but there were too many variations.
Also simply filtering on “Cum” would lead to too many false positives #Cumbria #Cumberbatch etc etc

Could be, but my main point here is that there is also more and more annoying automatic censoring too. At least that is my impression.
Like on Reddit: if you post ‘too’ many times (as novice or so) in a short period, you have to wait x time to be able to post again.
Something similar (even worse) on Youtube.

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And here - try posting 3 or 4 times in a row on any one topic :slight_smile:


Careful now…


Has anyone heard from @neo recently?


Yeah he’s about. They keep funny hours down under


Hopefully they had their (BDSM) masks on, to keep it at least a bit safe.