What’s up today? (Part 1)

I completely and unreservedly revise my judgement

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Well apparently this happened


Look at the date.

Wright himself has not yet spoken publicly about the victory, but is expected to speak out in a live broadcast set for 13.00 EST on April 1st, 2020–the broadcast can be viewed here.

If you look at the video for the live broadcast it is the “you’ve been rickrolled”

April fools joke it seems

And last sentence is

“Oh yeah, and one more thing,” Wright wrote, taking a sip from a cool glass of Macallan 1926. “April Fools.”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :man_facepalming:


lol i feel like a moron.


@goindeepIt got me at first too, till I followed some links.

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Lol, had me for all of 20 seconds before my brain said , noooooo, and I’ve only been awake for under 5 mins.
But I fell for none of it yesterday.




58 posts were split to a new topic: Discussion on trustworthiness of Covid-19 data

Github seems to be down. Anyone else?

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It is slow but working enough that I could log new issue just now: enhancement: default behaviour for CLI · Issue #500 · maidsafe/safe-api

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Same for me (github site oups with “Looks like something went wrong!” error).

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Samuel wants a word MF’s…

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Were there any Soviet, gay, Polish, disabled or trade unionists amongst those Holocaust survivors or was it ALL about one particular tribe as usual?

Whenever we see some new initiative like this, we can be certain of one thing. Israel is planning further assaults on the Palestinian people and desperately needs to deflect attention.
Do not be fooled.

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When can we look forward to a similar in depth treatment of the Nakba? - the Holocaust perpetrated on the Palestinian people in 1948 when they were massacred and uprooted from their ancestral homes to make way for Jewish immigrants to the the newly-created artificial state of Israel.
Nakba Day - Wikipedia As many Palestinians suffered here as Jews did a few years before in Germany, Austria and Poland - because rampant anti-Semitism was far from confined to Germany, despite the lies told by the present Polish leadership amongst others…

European and American Jews gleefully persecuted the Palestinian people and the world turned a blind eye because of some sort of utterly misplaced sense of guilt about what had gone on before. But instead of European Christians making any sacrifice, the sacrifice had to be made by the utterly innocent Muslims of Palestine.

But we don’t get to hear about that because Palestinians do not have a stranglehold on banking, finance and media.

I am sure @jlpell will support such an initiative in the interests of balance and fairness in reporting.

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I would assume any holo survivor could participate, but I’ve not researched it.

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You would most certainly hope so. But I have my doubts…