What is the best development environment to contribute in the SAFE Project?

The title say everything. Sorry if it’s already answered, if so please give me the link. What I want is to see if I can contribute to the project but for that I want to stay sync with what the team are currently using for the project. The linux distribution they use, the environment they use and what debugger they use too if it’s different. The best way I can learn the code is to debug it.

I just need a starting point. I don’t need a full explanation. For the later I can deal with that. The answer should be like that:

Ubuntu 15.04 workstation, Eclipse for the environment with Rust-DT, and gdb for debugging. Very simple. It’s the one I’m currently trying now. Mostly the one from @happybeing


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on linux I like atom. It’s basic but good.


That’s crazy, Ubuntu is buggy. Most of the linux I tried is buggy. The terminal close only be doing “cd safe_vault” crash. I hate linux. Sorry. I’m a little frustrated here. What OS do you use?

Without bugs, how does one become a developer? Lol


Hey, you. Don’t have fun with me :stuck_out_tongue:. I’m not trying to correct bug from other stuff here. Well. This just make no sense today with linux distribution. It’s like they are going the same practice with video game with full of bug.

Aww OK sorry :slight_smile:

What happens when you press continue?


Everything work fine. I don’t know what this error is for.

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It’s probably fine. I get a similar one on my Ubuntu 14.04

If you can keep going, and developing, then everything is OK :wink:

No OS is perfect, I get things like that on windows also, all the time. I just hit “OK” :slight_smile:


Not really being helpful here, but I always suggest going with vanilla Debian for n00bs (sorry!). It’s incredibly stable. In fact, my mom’s running it right now, and I haven’t heard from her in a month. (I got my engineering prowess from my father’s side of the family…)

What I’m seeing is something going wrong with your DE. DE’s are far more complicated than stand-alone WM’s, and are much easier to troubleshoot if necessary. With vanilla Debian, you really have your choice of what DE/WM you want to use. I think there’s like five. And they’re much more stable than Ubuntu. It’s like the Win XP of the Linux world. It was also just upgraded to Jessie (version 8). And if you know about any of the internals of Linux, Ubuntu is built on top of Debian, but adds a lot more cruft.

Just my $.02


At least if you can give me some hint about “DE”, “WM” what’s that mean? But I get your point, Ubuntu change the original. I’ll try your vanilla Debian. Thanks.

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  • DE = Desktop Environment

  • WM = Windows Manager

A super quick analysis

But even in vanilla debian, the DE’s are much older and more stable than their Ubuntu/Fedora counterparts.

P.S. I couldn’t tell if you understood, but “vanilla” is slang for “plain old”. So it’s not like I created my own debian spin and called it “vanilla”…


Doesn’t Ubuntu have spyware in it?

Bloatware and Adware - yes. Spyware…doubt it.

Arch Linux with Spacemacs with rust-mode. This is my set up.

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Linux is buggy? Compared to what? I’ve had more glitches and bugs on windows than I’ve ever had on linux.


i like ubuntu … very intuitive everything and bugs are rare this side of the pond … in my experience pretty stable too :open_mouth:

…i don’t know anything about the 15.04 you are using … i decided to go with the LTS-versions … so I’m at 14.04 …


I can’t speak for the core devs and I’m not doing any serious Rust work myself at the moment, but I know David thinks highly of Debian (and I use Debian Jessie). I don’t know what OS the team use to develop on, but I would think different members use Windows an Linux (probably popular distros, except David who probably wrote his own kernel). For editors/IDEs, I asked Viv and David a while ago and it seems they have tried some IDEs but mostly reverted back to their favourite editor (Vim, Emacs, Atom were mentioned, but I think Sublime Text 3 was most favoured) most of which have at least Rust syntax highlighting and shortcuts using “racer”, and some of which a bit more (such as Eclipse which I like but have not as I say been using for Rust development).

If you want any of the team to tell you what they personally use I think you will have to prod them directly. If my summary is helpful, maybe you won’t need to. Essentially you can see it is largely their personal preference, so why not follow your own? Most devs do that. We find our own ways and its good to have a variety and to share our tips and tricks - oh for the day when we all sat in a terminal room and could lean over and say, how the hell did you do that? :wink: Now its all irc, sorry mumble I gather!


Thanks for this. Having the name it’s a good start up for me so I can try everyone and find my preferred one. For now I’m still trying to find my best Linux distro and I think Arch Linux is going to be my best choice even if it’s a huge headache to set it up. But at least I can’t be wrong with that.

Most of the linux I tried is buggy.

I’ve been on Win7 since it first came out [XP before that etc], but have used Win8 (hated it), Win10 seems ok, but I’m leaning more towards Linux. I started playing around with Linux Mint (Cinnamon) 2 years ago, and was blown away by how advanced some Linux distributions are like Mint. It feels a decade ahead of Win7, even Win10. I didn’t find Linux distros buggy, more frustrating to have to open a terminal to carry out basic tasks like mounting a new USB key!

After researching more, I’ve found CentOS to be the best – in my opinion. CentOS was designed for Enterprise level users, Community ENTerprise Operating System, so can easily scale down to individual needs.

Keep in mind, if you install using LinuxLive USB, which you can, you’ll be limited by the ‘USB disk’ size.

For the best experience:
Download the DVD.iso image file > burn that onto a blank DVD using All Free Iso Burner or the like > delete a partition on a dedicated desktop harddrive (or create, I suggest at least 60 GB), but it needs to be inactive/deleted, not formatted and opened in Windows > install from the DVD onto the the inactive partition.

Note: You’ll have to go into the installee desktop’s BIOS by hitting F2 or Tab at the splash screen to make sure you’re booting from the DVD drive.

To add dev related info, during the installation, you can select software profiles, like graphic design, technical writing, server management, whatever you need will be on the DVD. :smile: I just select what seems to be the most comprehensive setup, Development and Creative Workstation at the bottom of the list then pick and choose specific software packages from there.

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