Want to try testnets but unsure?

This safe: command not found error may mean that safe is not in your PATH (the place where the OS looks for programs). The installer should put it there but it may not have worked. Let us know next time you get there cos there’s an easy workaround.

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Or one has forgotten to install it at all, like me last week :wink:


Thanks for the guidance yesterday. Quite a few pennies dropped and i understand 50,000 times more than i did. I think if I try again without the gin and tonic the testnet will perform better for me. :rofl::+1:

Things i learnt include:

The safenet doesnt run from your common or garden windows ‘run cmd’ type command line as I thought it did. We need to install something called Gitbash, for windows, and just click next through all the install options.

On the Gitbash command line there is dollar sign- thats the command prompt, after that when pasting in commands allow a single space and dont replicate the dollar sign

Ctrl+v doesnt work in Gitbash to paste commands in…just right click and pick ‘paste’

Read the commands carefully…my gin soaked eyes thought i was pasting in a command to check the version…actually i was deleting the safenet software i had just installed.

There’s a command to delete the safenet software - best to use this to purge any leftovers from previous tests…I’ve read this before, now I understand. :roll_eyes:

If you can copy and paste, you too can get on the testnets. :+1:

I am deffo getting this to work next time I can catch a test. I wasn’t successful last night - user error - and i ran out of energy. After a bit of pre sleep pondering I’m happy I now know what to do.

Its all very cool. :sunglasses:


Good on you for joining in! It is easier without the gin, but I’d say most things, including this, are easier on Linux, regardless of beverage.

It is cool!


Well done for trying @seg and proving you can join in with a bit of help. Many here enjoy giving that kind of help so anyone else who is encouraged but maybe shy of asking, go on, give it a try.

It gives those who help a real buzz, and before you know it you’ll be helping someone else because you will know better than anyone how to get going.


Just to clarify, you only need Git Bash (or other Bash emulation) to run the install script. The install script detects it’s running from Bash emulation and will download and unpack the native Windows binary, which is what ends up running, even from the emulation environment.

However, the Windows binary would work perfectly well running from cmd.exe or Powershell. You could download the Windows archive from the release page, extract it, and put the binary somewhere that’s on the PATH environment variable.


Hello, I am going to try to connect to the test network, how do I download and install the latest version on my mac? I see that at the beginning of the post there is a link to github but I don’t know how to download and install it. thanks

Yeah, on macOS you can use the install script. See the ‘Quickstart’ section.


curl -so- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maidsafe/sn_cli/master/resources/install.sh | bash -bash: : command not found
I am copying and pasting in the terminal and it gives me this error, what am I doing wrong? thanks

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Ah sorry, I’ve actually just noticed, that link is bad.

curl -so- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maidsafe/safe_network/main/resources/scripts/install.sh | bash

However, that’s not what your problem is here. It says it can’t find Bash. The default shell on macOS now is zsh, but I would have thought there will still be a Bash installation.

Can you post a screenshot please?


I sent you a pm

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I am playing on windows with the aim of potentially making a walkthrough video.
Using Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maidsafe/safe_network/main/resources/scripts/install.ps1')) and powershell to run-baby-fleming I get Encountered a timeout while trying to join the network. Retrying after 3 minutes.

This does not seem to happen on Linux. cc @chriso
(Is this perhaps related to the deadlock issue?)


It may well be, that should clear up very soon, prs in flight.


Good to see more people trying out stuff on Windows and getting more test coverage there.

Just to say, I use the local network for testing during development, and sometimes see that output, but it doesn’t seem to affect anything adversely.


I really want to participate in network testing. Can you tell me when the next network test run is supposed to be?


There are two kinds of testnets :slight_smile:

Official ones - now often known as “Playgrounds” and the community testnets by @Josh and @folaht

@folaht has one which may be running again in an hour or two - see https://forum.autonomi.community/t/offline-folahts-ipv4-comnet-in-a-rootfull-podman-container-0-56-0-0-55-0-0-48-0/36377/191?u=southside

its best to check in here first before attempting to connect - both @folaht and @Josh tend to prefix their announcements with the status of their testnets and the software versions required.


To add, the community testnets run by Josh tend to happen on Friday evenings UK time and run for a day or two. No guarantees.

The official Playground testnets are once every few weeks and not pre-announced but we haven’t seen one for a while so fingers crossed!


Forgive me, but this link displays a page like this for me… I have registered on the forum. How do I get to the landing page using this link?


sorry let me check that and get back to you

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Can you see
https://forum.autonomi.community/t/offline-folahts-ipv4-comnet-in-a-rootfull-podman-container-0-56-0-0-55-0-0-48-0/36377/191 ?

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