Useful Emoji for use in Safe Apps

Here’s a nice help task for everyone. Thanks to a suggestion to look at git-ssb-web from someone on twitter I’ve learned a neat way to embed icons for files in my git portal repository listing: :v: :file_folder::page_facing_up:

I never thought of using emoji in a web app like this, but what other ones can we use in a git portal or other Safe apps? Any other file types or useful things for buttons such as ‘like’ / ‘star’, follow etc.

Feel free to collect a few suggestions together with a word or two for uses and post them here. :v:

This page a wiki so somebody is willing, we can summarise the suggestions here:


:email::envelope_with_arrow::incoming_envelope::e-mail::inbox_tray::outbox_tray::mailbox_closed::mailbox::mailbox_with_mail::mailbox_with_no_mail: :postbox:(messages)
:fire::thermometer::firecracker::magnet:(hot topics)

Files and Folders

:file_folder: :file_folder:
:open_file_folder: :open_file_folder:
:page_facing_up: :page_facing_up:
:page_with_curl: (probably meant as contract, because US legal paper is very long, but not inter’l understandable)
:scroll: (log)
:calendar::date: (history?)
:spiral_notepad: (template)
:clipboard::ballot_box_with_check: (checklist? issues?)
:wastebasket::recycle::roll_of_toilet_paper: (delete)
:paperclip: (attachments)
:card_file_box::card_index_dividers::file_cabinet::package::oil_drum:(repository, database)


:card_file_box::file_cabinet: repository
:page_facing_up: file
:file_folder: folder
:bookmark_tabs::clipboard: stash (clipboard)
:label: tag
:cloud::desert_island: remote
:seedling: branch
:key: (public) key
:lock_with_ink_pen: sign
:mag::mag_right: find
:scroll: log
:heavy_plus_sign: add
:wastebasket: rm
:shopping_cart: checkout
:package: commit
:inbox_tray: pull
:outbox_tray: push
:dog: fetch
:trident::two_men_holding_hands: clone (fork)
:couplekiss_man_woman::loop: merge (I’d prefer gender neutral people)
:baseball::billed_cap: rebase
:breast_feeding::pregnant_woman::family_woman_girl_boy: submodule (I’d prefer gender neutral children)
:pray: merge request
:poop::crossed_swords: merge conflict
:fleur_de_lis: status
:dancing_women: :eye: show
:baby: init
:truck: move
:mrs_claus::crown::man_cook: restore (cook for restor-ant)
:couple: diff (no homo :grin:)
:cherries: cherry-pick


:old_key::key::lock_with_ink_pen::closed_lock_with_key::lock::unlock: (keys)
:hammer_and_wrench::gear: (settings)

You can edit this because I made it a wiki - please add new emoji and categories as needed!

I added some Unicode emojis; there are many more usable…
Seems like the forum replaces some, that lead to duplication.

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That’s cool, thanks very much!

By the way, you can see how I’ve begun to use these in the latest p2p git portal here (bottom right) although @Miguelo may have his own solution:

BTW Eclipse’s egit contains a good set of icons for all git actions.
Source: icons - egit.git - Eclipse Git Team Provider (technology.egit)

(They’re under EPL 1.0, not compatible with GPL.)

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Excellent thanks… “They’re under the EPL, not compatible with GPL” oh :open_mouth:

Yes, sorry, saw that too late. And I don’t know which license you chose.
While EPL allows double licensing, it’s improbable that the unnamed contributors would agree.

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All my projects so far are GPLv3.