Unencrypted Data Question

Not really, I suppose it would require a degree of dynamism in the data you are trying to get somehow?

A few tings can be done in the binary that stores, such as obfuscation.

A mechanism that offer something like that would be the DataManagers (in SAFE thinking) store on a node data encrypted so the node cannot know what it is, but they hols an agreed “key” to decrypt the data and a map of actual verses encrypted name. On request they ask the storer for the encrypted name. They decrypt en route etc.

Then the attack would be getting into the group that is data managers and reporting this back to the storing node. So much more difficult to crack perhaps, but still not 100%. I am sure there are even more like this that cna be used. In our c++ impl we did do something similar whee you only knew what you held when somebody asked for it (meant using the request as decrypt for data held). So it’s likely possible?

The question then may be is plausible deniability where an autonomous network stores encrypted chunks that you need specialist tools to know (as well as the list of course). It’s a good subject area for sure with many edge cases and probably as many ways around it (if we can see them)