The future of this forum

I volunteer to take charge of the hosting of this forum and become one of the administrators (I am currently a moderator).

I already have some experience installing and configuring a Discourse forum. A few months ago, I was working on a project called “Bitcoin Montreal” and I wanted to build a sort of local Bitcoin marketplace with Discourse. So I have experience using (it’s the hosting provider currently being used by this forum) and I’ve also experimented with hosting Discourse on Digital Ocean. Therefore, if we decide we want to move away from, I would be capable of doing the transition to another service. I am also familiar with the Discourse codebase and the technology that it uses (Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Ember.js). I’ve been a big fan of Discourse since it was first announced two years ago and it’s one of my favorite projects. It would be a real pleasure for me to manage the hosting :grin:

I also have a lot of time to dedicate to Project SAFE. I currently volunteer almost all my time to Project SAFE. Since last Friday, I haven’t been as active as usual because I was in San Francisco to visit @dallyshalla and @culexevilman from Infinity Algorithms and to talk about the SAFE Network and safecoin with the Executive Director of the Seasteading Institute and also about my project to build an international SAFE Pod as part of the Floating City Project.

Daniel Dabek

Jason giving me gifts from Infinity Algorithms and for SAFE Pod Montreal

Randolph Hencken (Executive Director of the Seasteading Institute)

It’s been an amazing trip. I am currently at San Francisco International Airport and I am about to board my plane back to Montreal. I will catch up on the forum when I arrive tonight! I am working on some amazing projects that I share with all of you soon :smiley: