Testnet tool

Cool! We’ll need to make sure it’s definitely provisioning 0.32.0 of sn_node. I can’t remember how the version is controlled with the testnet tool. It may just be picking up the latest version by default, but it’s best to have 0.32.0 just now. I’ll look soon, or you could maybe dig around and see if you can find it.


Let me get this right…
You already have DO droplets running, should I try connecting to them rather than setting up my own droplets.
Your genesis node is at

Should I try adding that to hard-coded contacts?

You don’t require any droplets, unless that’s where you want to host your node(s) from.

You’ll need the genesis key too.


Still a work in progress, I believe we need 20 nodes to upload data, use the cli etc?

I’ll get you the key and ip, give me a sec. I’m still messing about so it probably won’t be up for long. But would be cool to see if you can join.


As far as I know you only need 11 nodes. That’s what we use locally for testing anyway.


That’s what I thought but I definitely read 20 somewhere today… may be old info.

Hmm, that must be very new, and wouldn’t apply to 0.32.0 I don’t think. @joshuef could you confirm that please?

I have a DO droplet running now and just installed rust , grabbed the git repos and its building now.
I’ll run my (for now) single node from there.




from the Makefile
This launches the testnet with 20 nodes by default (to support file put/get), and also copies the connection information to ~/.safe/node/node_connection_info.config.

1 Like

Yeah, actually it was me who created the Makefile, as I’m kind of old school and like to use that rather than calling scripts with 5 different args, which is quite clunky. I put that 20 in just as an arbitrary number to be honest. It’s only 11 that’s actually required.


Downloading node bindary to nodes
digitalocean_droplet.testnet_node[1] (remote-exec): --2021-10-05 19:48:27-- https://sn-node.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/sn_node-latest-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz

It looks like 0.31.31, so not the correct version.
Sorry @southside seems I need to start it over and ensure it uses 0.32.0 but that may not be this evening.


Ah, you can specify the node version in the up.sh script. Seems I don’t have a really good memory, because it was me who extended the script for that, haha.

	rm -rf .terraform
	terraform init
	terraform workspace select alpha
	./up.sh \
	[[ ! -d "~/.safe/node" ]] && mkdir -p ~/.safe/node
	rm -f ~/.safe/node/node_connection_info.config
	cp alpha-node_connection_info.config ~/.safe/node/node_connection_info.config

If you’re using the Makefile, you should be able to set SN_TESTNET_NODE_VERSION to control it, or if you’re just running the up.sh script directly, you can specify it as the 4th argument.


There’s a down.sh script to clean up the resources btw. The advantage of using the automation is that you can just spin up and tear down the resources as and when you need, so it’s not a problem if you need to start again to get something working with another version of sn_node.


What an awesome community we have! Thank you!


No problem. THanks for your efforts and I’ll look forward to picking this up again soon.


Hey! Sorry been off the eve.

Any number of nodes could work in theory. In general 11 at least for a single section (maybe 8 works. That’s be one adult). 45 or so to almost certainly have a split.

The terraform script uses the latest node v released if you don’t specify a local one (which needs to be a Linux build)

I thiiink that was the main qs. Late here and gan sleep now but will dig in the morrow (eve) for any more qs! Keep going team community!!


So, is this heading towards community-operated public testnet(s)? I mean if @Josh and @Southside get their networks up and running, could anyone join?


Yeah. Let’s see how lifetime of average network changed since last release.


I’m eagerly watching this thread to see where the wind blows :slight_smile: