Testnet on the LAN Where do I set the genesis node?

Mods - please move to existing thread if you feel this unworthy of a new topic
At last I have a little time to start getting into this properly. I have 3 machines that can all run local testnets just fine - well they start, files can be PUT and then retrieved with GET and @happybeing’s vdash tells me they are working - sometimes quite slowly but they work.
Now I want them to talk to one another, so as a first step I edited ~/.safe/node/node_connection_info.config
to read “” instead of

Fired up safe node run-baby-fleming and the genesis node is still at And my node_connection_info is overwritten to
It’s been a while since I last messed with this. Where should I be setting the genesis node info?

PS Has anyone managed to connect to testnets run by other folks?


grepping all of the sn_api codebase gave me noting for “”
and only returns the README.md

Somebody with a clue please point out the stupid mistake I am making.

Hey I’m also trying to setup a test network using a docker container that starts baby-fleming nodes.
I can successfully start it in the docker container, create an account, let the authd self-auth and put files onto it/see the uploaded files.

Few things I noticed were:

  1. Sometimes the node_connection_info.conf is not created yet in .safe/node/node_connection_info.config, you can create it then with echo "[]" >> ~/.safe/node/node_connection_info.config.

  2. Then you need to define a network where baby-fleming will host to, so add a new one if you don’t have one yet safe networks add my-local-fleming, switch to it safe networks switch my-local-fleming and check if it is setup in the config safe networks check.

  3. Now your baby-fleming will launch to this current selected network, you can do that with safe node run-baby-fleming. This should be the running section that other devices connect to after also defining this remote network in safe networks add remote_alias_you_like and safe switch remote_alias_you_like and check it with safe networks check, and then with safe node join.
    If everything goes well theoretically the remote host will now attempt to join his node to the running baby-fleming network that runs on the genesis node of (this is a random ip just for example).

Defining the network beforehand that will run-baby-fleming in safe networks I believe is important and also then adding this host to your remote devices who want to join.

Will add my findings later, have not tested it with different machines yet.

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