Synology on testnet/fleming

Hi guys,

Given that a testnet (and hopefully a bit later Fleming) is around the corner. I want to start considering to use my synology server to start farming (or what do we call it these days?). Just to see if I can get it to work.

I’m no coding guru, my background is in Finance but I’ve been working a lot with big data the last years. So I’ve learned to use Python, Spark (not relevant in this case :stuck_out_tongue:) and a bit of CLI.

Is it possible for someone with that level of knowledge to setup farming on a synology station? Has anybody else tried it already?


If your synology supports docker images someone may come along and create a docker image for us.

It should be possible eventually.

trying to repurpose an older synology (ds213+) which has a freescale processor. I don’t think it supports docker for that model.

Since it doesn’t have Docker capability, it’d probably be easier to setup a low power PC using extra hardware you have around, or something like a Raspberry Pi, then mounting the space from the Synology on that to utilize it.


Gonna try to setup docker on the synology to see if i can get it to work. Otherwise probably gonna setup an old pi (B) i have lying around

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Not related to farming…
… but wanted to say I discovered that VS Code on raspbian on a pi is amazing.
Raspberry pi 4, a remote digital ocean instance and a couple of monitors really lowers the entry cost for
anyone wanting to code.


I checked, quite a few versions of synology do not support docker (only + versions mostly). I tried to manually install it but given that its a freescale processor it doesn’t work.

Synology is one of the biggest homeserver brands so it might make sense to take a look at how we can unlock farming for systems that do not support docker. would be a big shame to miss out on all that available storage because of missing docker support

So, sure, one can use a raspberry, but I don’t think the average joe with a synology will use such setup (not quite user friendly right). Any ideas? I believe synology just runs linux and you can SSH to it, so can’t we think of a way to run it on the synology itself?

Rather than docker which can throw up as many problem as it solves as a one off solution, another option is to provide setup scripts with step by step instructions.

There are a couple here, but if we can collect a library we could cover many common options:


Probably might best to just create a package for the systems with largest market share (synology, qnap)

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How easy is it to secure a synology device.
If it were purely for sn, would it need anti virus or such things?
Never ran a server so totally clueless here.

Synology and QNaps aren’t really servers, they are NAS’s (Network attached storage). They run stripped down and customized versions of Linux to present their storage to the network. While I’m sure there are attack vectors against them, I don’t think they are very high priority targets for attackers, as they are not all that common and consumers usually use them as storage for their Plex servers. Some small businesses use them, but they are pretty rare in the business world. They are mostly a consumer device.


Ta, I’ll have to do some research, just would feel odd spending alot of pennies and not knowing how to protect it.
But looking at what I was looking at, it clearly states NAS.

It’s a NAS, mostly consumergrafe/small enterprise. But within that space qnap and synology are the biggest players.

Given that I think consumers will be the first target for safe network, i think it makes sense to provide easy farming utilities for these minds of devices given that they are always online and have TB of available storage

These things will make it quite hard to build packages I suspect. Pi’s are so cheap, I wonder if it’s worth the effort here.


Probably not for the older models. The newer ones are x86 and many support Docker. I think a Docker container for a vault is a good idea.

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Indeed, older models might be an issue, newer ones less, however, docker is only supported on XXX+ models.

I think techsavy people will have a pie, but if you truly want a decentralised internet, you also need to onboard the non-technical people. Not saying that people with a NAS are non-technical, but definitely less technical then people with a Pi.

The entrance barrier should be as low as possible. Everybody should be able to farm.


That shouldn’t be a problem. There will be packages for all mainstream devices. Phones, desktops, laptops.

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Even if someone isn’t running a Pi, they can buy low power Windows machine, or a Mac Mini and mount their space on there and serve it out. Running directly from the NAS as a Docker image or from something like a Pi would be ideal, but not the only way for people with NAS’s to serve up their space, and I would think most people that own them would be technical enough to figure that out.

In any case, I don’t think we should be aiming for a somewhat obscure userbase to the point of creating platform specific packages for those NAS’s. Docker can hit a decent amount of that userbase while still having other uses on other platforms, and the rest can just mount and serve it wherever is ideal for them.

Raspberry Pis are more technical than NASes? I did my first Pi playing around recently and found it only mildly difficult, whereas in my head NASes remain technical and mysterious. So I’m interested to hear this, I need to demystify the concept and get started with some NAS project. Will report on here if I figure anything out of course