Storing blockchains on SafeNetwork

Seriously I think you have some great ideas (And some others as well :grin:) but your impenetrable walls of text put folk right off - Which is a shame cos your gems fall by the wayside.
I too have to admit to starting many of your posts and then just giving up…

Please consider writing in a different style. I think you would enjoy more interaction and respect on here if you could get over what is perceived by several on this forum as a communications handicap.


I have to admit the same. There are often diamonds in the rough, but searching for them takes considerable effort. Please add some white space, @Antifragile ! :slight_smile:


I think the message has been seen by @Antifragile and they can do whatever, if anything, about the feedback

Maybe best to leave it there so as not to have appearance of dog piling on them.


can someone try to implement it locally and get ready this plugin for next testnet so we can test it?