[Status: offline] SAFE Network Testnet - Vaults from home with IGD - Iteration 2

Thanks for reporting the issues guys - these seem to be issues we were seeing in an internal testnet which we thought we had fixed - turns out we are running a slightly out of date version of the vault on the Digital Ocean droplets.

Human error on our part!

We’ve killed the section and are uploading the correct version of the vault to the droplets now. It should be up and running in a few minutes, I’ll post as soon as it is.


:ghost: :alien: What network am i connected to?


Running safe-vault v0.25.1


INFO 2020-07-17T02:13:34.121619+09:00 [src/vault.rs:135] Initializing new Vault as Infant

ERROR 2020-07-17T02:13:36.058426+09:00 [src/bin/safe_vault.rs:169] Cannot start vault due to error: Routing(Network(IgdNotSupported))

ERROR 2020-07-17T02:13:36.058470+09:00 [src/bin/safe_vault.rs:170] Automatic Port forwarding Failed. Check if UPnP is enabled in your router’s settings and try again. Note that not all routers are supported in this testnet. Visit https://forum.autonomi.community for more information.


But still happy because of vault at home! please let me know performance of testnet!



No surprise

If your router does not (correctly) support the IGD protocol, you will not be able to take part in this testnet iteration.

Same as last… but we have the CLI to play with… once it’s back up in a short time.


There you have it folks, the team are not cyborgs after all! :smile:

sascha@Knut-Mint:~$ safe vault join
[2020-07-16T17:14:31Z DEBUG safe] Starting SAFE CLI...
[2020-07-16T17:14:31Z DEBUG safe::cli] Processing command: CmdArgs { cmd: Some(Vault { cmd: Some(Join { network_name: None, vault_path: None, verbosity: 0, hard_coded_contacts: None }) }), output_fmt: None, output_json: false, dry: false, xorurl_base: None, endpoint: None }
[2020-07-16T17:14:31Z DEBUG safe::subcommands::vault] Joining network with contacts
[2020-07-16T17:14:31Z DEBUG safe::operations::vault] Running vault from /home/sascha/.safe/vault/safe_vault
Storing vaults' generated data at /home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault
[2020-07-16T17:14:31Z DEBUG safe::operations::vault] Running network launch tool with args: ["safe-nlt-join", "-v", "--vault-path", "/home/sascha/.safe/vault/safe_vault", "--vaults-dir", "/home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault", "--hard-coded-contacts", ""]
Starting a vault to join a SAFE network...
Launching with vault executable from: /home/sascha/.safe/vault/safe_vault
[2020-07-16T17:14:31Z DEBUG safe_nlt] Launching with vault executable from: /home/sascha/.safe/vault/safe_vault
Node started with hardcoded contact(s): [""]
[2020-07-16T17:14:31Z DEBUG safe_nlt] Node started with hardcoded contact(s): [""]
Launching vault...
[2020-07-16T17:14:31Z DEBUG safe_nlt] Launching vault...
[2020-07-16T17:14:31Z DEBUG safe_nlt] Running '/home/sascha/.safe/vault/safe_vault' with args ["-vv", "--hard-coded-contacts", "[\"\"]", "--root-dir", "/home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault", "--log-dir", "/home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault"] ...
Vault logs are being stored at: /home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault/safe_vault.log
sascha@Knut-Mint:~$ tail -f ~/.safe/vault/local-vault/safe_vault.log
INFO 2020-07-16T20:14:31.890324136+03:00 [src/bin/safe_vault.rs:114] 

Running safe-vault v0.25.1
INFO 2020-07-16T20:14:42.040465474+03:00 [src/vault.rs:135] Initializing new Vault as Infant
INFO 2020-07-16T20:14:45.548029259+03:00 [src/bin/safe_vault.rs:156] Vault connection info: ""
DEBUG 2020-07-16T20:14:49.323601591+03:00 [src/vault.rs:325] Received routing event: Connected(First)
TRACE 2020-07-16T20:14:49.323643094+03:00 [src/chunk_store/mod.rs:93] Creating ChunkStore at /home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault/chunks/immutable
INFO 2020-07-16T20:14:49.323733767+03:00 [src/vault.rs:401] Section has accepted the vault.
DEBUG 2020-07-16T20:14:57.430427796+03:00 [src/vault.rs:325] Received routing event: Promoted
TRACE 2020-07-16T20:14:57.430456847+03:00 [src/utils.rs:26] Creating database at /home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault/auth_keys.db
TRACE 2020-07-16T20:14:57.430654135+03:00 [src/utils.rs:26] Creating database at /home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault/balances.db
TRACE 2020-07-16T20:14:57.430748469+03:00 [src/chunk_store/mod.rs:93] Creating ChunkStore at /home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault/chunks/login_packets
TRACE 2020-07-16T20:14:57.430826895+03:00 [src/chunk_store/mod.rs:93] Creating ChunkStore at /home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault/chunks/immutable
TRACE 2020-07-16T20:14:57.430880518+03:00 [src/utils.rs:26] Creating database at /home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault/immutable_data.db
TRACE 2020-07-16T20:14:57.430969530+03:00 [src/utils.rs:26] Creating database at /home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault/holder_data.db
TRACE 2020-07-16T20:14:57.431059081+03:00 [src/utils.rs:26] Creating database at /home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault/full_adults.db
TRACE 2020-07-16T20:14:57.431148348+03:00 [src/chunk_store/mod.rs:93] Creating ChunkStore at /home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault/chunks/mutable
TRACE 2020-07-16T20:14:57.431212967+03:00 [src/chunk_store/mod.rs:93] Creating ChunkStore at /home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault/chunks/sequence
INFO 2020-07-16T20:14:57.431275299+03:00 [src/vault.rs:359] Vault promoted to Elder
DEBUG 2020-07-16T20:14:57.431288672+03:00 [src/vault.rs:325] Received routing event: EldersChanged { prefix: Prefix(), key: PublicKey(16cf..ca68), elders: {3c01de.., 426dfc.., 5d8fdb.., db6504.., dcfc82.., edcf3a..} }
DEBUG 2020-07-16T20:15:06.783053343+03:00 [src/vault.rs:325] Received routing event: MemberJoined { name: 347373.., age: 4 }
TRACE 2020-07-16T20:15:06.783084520+03:00 [src/vault.rs:385] New member has joined the section
INFO 2020-07-16T20:15:06.783093613+03:00 [src/vault.rs:388] No. of Elders: 6
INFO 2020-07-16T20:15:06.783099426+03:00 [src/vault.rs:389] No. of Adults: 0



I may have broken something, you might want to preemt idiots like me typing the following more than once.

safe vault launch

INFO 2020-07-16T17:18:29.224973853+00:00 [src/vault.rs:135] Initializing new Vault as Infant
INFO 2020-07-16T17:18:29.225228058+00:00 [/usr/local/cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/quic-p2p-0.7.0/src/lib.rs:460] Failed to bind to port: 12000 - Error: Os { code: 98, kind: AddrInUse, message: "Address in use" } - Address in use (os error 98). Trying random port.
INFO 2020-07-16T17:18:29.227052763+00:00 [/usr/local/cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/quinn-0.6.1/src/connection.rs:228] drive; id=0
INFO 2020-07-16T17:18:29.227082052+00:00 [/usr/local/cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/quinn-0.6.1/src/connection.rs:228] -> drive

My log file is filling up fast, over 10,000 repeating lines in just moments.

Killing my droplet and will start again.

New section fully up - back to testing everyone!

Edit - no big change to instructions, just kill your vault with safe vault killall and the rejoin new section with safe vault join

Edit 2 - note that you will need to create a new account, all data was wiped


First! :smile:





It worked before, but after @StephenC’s recent update:

sascha@Knut-Mint:~$ safe vault killall
[2020-07-16T17:27:09Z DEBUG safe] Starting SAFE CLI...
[2020-07-16T17:27:09Z DEBUG safe::cli] Processing command: CmdArgs { cmd: Some(Vault { cmd: Some(Killall { vault_path: None }) }), output_fmt: None, output_json: false, dry: false, xorurl_base: None, endpoint: None }
[2020-07-16T17:27:09Z DEBUG safe::operations::vault] Killing all running vaults launched with safe_vault...
Success, all processes instances of safe_vault were stopped!
sascha@Knut-Mint:~$ safe vault join
[2020-07-16T17:27:33Z DEBUG safe] Starting SAFE CLI...
[2020-07-16T17:27:33Z DEBUG safe::cli] Processing command: CmdArgs { cmd: Some(Vault { cmd: Some(Join { network_name: None, vault_path: None, verbosity: 0, hard_coded_contacts: None }) }), output_fmt: None, output_json: false, dry: false, xorurl_base: None, endpoint: None }
[2020-07-16T17:27:33Z DEBUG safe::subcommands::vault] Joining network with contacts
[2020-07-16T17:27:33Z DEBUG safe::operations::vault] Running vault from /home/sascha/.safe/vault/safe_vault
Storing vaults' generated data at /home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault
[2020-07-16T17:27:33Z DEBUG safe::operations::vault] Running network launch tool with args: ["safe-nlt-join", "-v", "--vault-path", "/home/sascha/.safe/vault/safe_vault", "--vaults-dir", "/home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault", "--hard-coded-contacts", ""]
Starting a vault to join a SAFE network...
Launching with vault executable from: /home/sascha/.safe/vault/safe_vault
[2020-07-16T17:27:33Z DEBUG safe_nlt] Launching with vault executable from: /home/sascha/.safe/vault/safe_vault
Node started with hardcoded contact(s): [""]
[2020-07-16T17:27:33Z DEBUG safe_nlt] Node started with hardcoded contact(s): [""]
Launching vault...
[2020-07-16T17:27:33Z DEBUG safe_nlt] Launching vault...
[2020-07-16T17:27:33Z DEBUG safe_nlt] Running '/home/sascha/.safe/vault/safe_vault' with args ["-vv", "--hard-coded-contacts", "[\"\"]", "--root-dir", "/home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault", "--log-dir", "/home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault"] ...
Vault logs are being stored at: /home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault/safe_vault.log
sascha@Knut-Mint:~$ tail -f ~/.safe/vault/local-vault/safe_vault.log
INFO 2020-07-16T20:27:33.998511778+03:00 [src/bin/safe_vault.rs:114] 

Running safe-vault v0.25.1
INFO 2020-07-16T20:27:44.124420107+03:00 [src/vault.rs:135] Initializing new Vault as Infant
ERROR 2020-07-16T20:27:51.744385058+03:00 [src/bin/safe_vault.rs:169] Cannot start vault due to error: Routing(Network(NoEndpointEchoServerFound))
ERROR 2020-07-16T20:27:51.744442851+03:00 [src/bin/safe_vault.rs:170] Automatic Port forwarding Failed. Check if UPnP is enabled in your router's settings and try again. Note that not all routers are supported in this testnet. Visit https://forum.autonomi.community for more information.

Hmm the restart cannot have changed your router mind you.


Just restarted the vault and now it seems to be working again.

sascha@Knut-Mint:~$ tail -f ~/.safe/vault/local-vault/safe_vault.log
INFO 2020-07-16T20:34:32.558146201+03:00 [src/bin/safe_vault.rs:114]

Running safe-vault v0.25.1

INFO 2020-07-16T20:34:42.680423445+03:00 [src/vault.rs:135] Initializing new Vault as Infant
INFO 2020-07-16T20:34:46.276254551+03:00 [src/bin/safe_vault.rs:156] Vault connection info: “”
DEBUG 2020-07-16T20:34:49.877292321+03:00 [src/vault.rs:325] Received routing event: Connected(First)
TRACE 2020-07-16T20:34:49.877332337+03:00 [src/chunk_store/mod.rs:93] Creating ChunkStore at /home/sascha/.safe/vault/local-vault/chunks/immutable
INFO 2020-07-16T20:34:49.877417161+03:00 [src/vault.rs:401] Section has accepted the vault.


sascha@Knut-Mint:~$ tail -f ~/.safe/vault/local-vault/safe_vault.log

“bla, bla, bla”

INFO 2020-07-16T20:43:25.444445895+03:00 [src/data_handler/idata_holder.rs:72] a254f9..: Sender Section(Prefix(11011100111111001000001010111110)) asked us to store Immutable data at: Pub(eb1f95..). Result: Ok(())
TRACE 2020-07-16T20:43:25.444594195+03:00 [src/vault.rs:628] Node(a254f9..) handle action RespondToOurDataHandlers { rpc: Response { response: Response::Mutation(Success), requester: App(PublicKey::Bls(a979e9..), owner: PublicKey::Bls(b1ac23..)), message_id: MessageId(6d8c06..), refund: None, proof: Some((Request::PutIData, Signature(0240..b5e1))) } }
INFO 2020-07-16T20:43:25.515078523+03:00 [src/vault.rs:697] Responded to our data handlers with: Response { response: Response::Mutation(Success), requester: App(PublicKey::Bls(a979e9..), owner: PublicKey::Bls(b1ac23..)), message_id: MessageId(6d8c06..), refund: None, proof: Some((Request::PutIData, Signature(0240..b5e1))) }
DEBUG 2020-07-16T20:43:30.641938457+03:00 [src/vault.rs:325] Received routing event: MessageReceived { content: "000000..", src: Node(5d8fdb..), dst: Node(8d5b07..) }
INFO 2020-07-16T20:43:30.641969252+03:00 [src/vault.rs:364] Received message: 000..301
 Sent from Node(5d8fdb..) to Node(8d5b07..)
DEBUG 2020-07-16T20:43:30.651477438+03:00 [src/vault.rs:525] Got Request::PutIData from App(PublicKey::Bls(a979e9..), owner: PublicKey::Bls(b1ac23..))
INFO 2020-07-16T20:43:30.651497218+03:00 [src/vault.rs:550] 8d5b07..: Accumulating signatures for MessageId(5608a1..)
INFO 2020-07-16T20:43:30.677349759+03:00 [src/vault.rs:440] Not enough shares for MessageId(5608a1..)
DEBUG 2020-07-16T20:43:32.255996261+03:00 [src/vault.rs:325] Received routing event: MessageReceived { content: "000000..", src: Node(db6504..), dst: Node(8d5b07..) }
INFO 2020-07-16T20:43:32.256035431+03:00 [src/vault.rs:364] Received message: 000..2c2
 Sent from Node(db6504..) to Node(8d5b07..)
DEBUG 2020-07-16T20:43:32.265754986+03:00 [src/vault.rs:525] Got Request::PutIData from App(PublicKey::Bls(a979e9..), owner: PublicKey::Bls(b1ac23..))
INFO 2020-07-16T20:43:32.265776047+03:00 [src/vault.rs:550] 8d5b07..: Accumulating signatures for MessageId(6bb60f..)
INFO 2020-07-16T20:43:32.292779129+03:00 [src/vault.rs:440] Not enough shares for MessageId(6bb60f..)
DEBUG 2020-07-16T20:43:36.814635362+03:00 [src/vault.rs:325] Received routing event: MessageReceived { content: "000000..", src: Node(347373..), dst: Node(8d5b07..) }
INFO 2020-07-16T20:43:36.814668146+03:00 [src/vault.rs:364] Received message: 000..f63
 Sent from Node(347373..) to Node(8d5b07..)
DEBUG 2020-07-16T20:43:36.824202056+03:00 [src/vault.rs:525] Got Request::PutIData from App(PublicKey::Bls(a979e9..), owner: PublicKey::Bls(b1ac23..))
INFO 2020-07-16T20:43:36.824223378+03:00 [src/vault.rs:550] 8d5b07..: Accumulating signatures for MessageId(11b497..)
INFO 2020-07-16T20:43:36.854367339+03:00 [src/vault.rs:440] Not enough shares for MessageId(11b497..)
1 Like

I might be being dim…

Using… safe cat safe://hello I eventually get…

Files of FilesContainer (version 0) at "safe://hello":
| Name               | Type            | Size | Created              | Modified             | Link                                                              |
| /hello             | inode/directory | 0    | 2020-07-16T17:24:33Z | 2020-07-16T17:24:33Z |                                                                   |
| /hello/favicon.ico | image/x-icon    | 9662 | 2020-07-16T17:24:33Z | 2020-07-16T17:24:33Z | safe://hbwybydhmhjpaxyhiknatyq5ei84itmkxqscx75t4qp1yjm9x4natwxg1g |
| /hello/index.html  | text/html       | 3616 | 2020-07-16T17:24:33Z | 2020-07-16T17:24:33Z | safe://hbhybyd7j44jk7a1jiaoapfgcsjgxs689g6byj8ynhrpt1oyoqu3i9nsfp |
| /hello/style.css   | text/css        | 540  | 2020-07-16T17:24:33Z | 2020-07-16T17:24:33Z | safe://hbhyyydb5fmxbz8rc4iy9x5cm6kargjj5zf1j5b4fa1qm9gj8ztsfz4zzp |


I like the in browser update… very cool.

but when I browse from my laptop in my home network I get,


Could this be due to the router issue?

Browser isn’t compatible with the shared section yet - but we’ve started work on making it so. We don’t foresee any major blockers to that so we’re aiming to get a new browser release out in the near future.


Thank you.

I did read that before, my very excited brain decided to ignore it.

safe-cli is amazing!!!

Am sending the running instruction to some SAFENetwork linux newbies - i’ve taught them the very basics of linux, and spinning up droplets - they will be very excited to take part in this test.


As a first pass these simple sites all upload well and should be available with safe dog and safe cat through the CLI.

Some, like play.chess you’ll have to wait for that browser.





This character set broke me… copy and pasted it in to notepad, and, obvious now, but the cursor goes the wrong way left and right. My terminal wont let me cut n paste it though.

Very cool that we can have websites with these character sets though.

I was going to ask how to retrieve the files, then thought I should be a good person
and read the documentation at…


Here is the first line from your bard index:

A Man’s a Man for a’ That

I just did “wget” on the safe test network - I am shaking.

I used,

safe files get safe://burns.bard

Downloaded all the files.


tried to retrive data by using safe cat “safe://hnyyyyqxmwxm6x7u4nn1dqw4dc4k6p73r1td17big484tohupnb1yhqjgkbfo”
It does not emit ERROR but there is no original message I wrote. anyway, It is REALLY GREAT.

Public Sequence (version 0) at “safe://hnyyyyqxmwxm6x7u4nn1dqw4dc4k6p73r1td17big484tohupnb1yhqjgkbfo”:
[2020-07-16T18:11:22Z TRACE safe_core::connection_manager] Dropped ConnectionManager - terminating gracefully
[2020-07-16T18:11:22Z TRACE safe_core::connection_manager::connection_group] Response from: V4(, msg_id: MessageId(28b1f3…), resp: Response::GetSData(Success)
[2020-07-16T18:11:22Z TRACE safe_core::connection_manager::response_manager] Handling response for msg_id: MessageId(28b1f3…), resp: Response::GetSData(Success)
[2020-07-16T18:11:22Z TRACE safe_core::connection_manager::response_manager] No request found for message ID MessageId(28b1f3…)
[2020-07-16T18:11:22Z TRACE safe_core::connection_manager::connection_group] Gracefully terminating quic-p2p event loop

1 Like