Spooky actions @ a distance in threes

(Scratches head…wtf?) The guys reasoning is all to cock. What exactly is the point of this video?

Please explain any pertinent points or points you agree with, because he doesn’t really explain anything, just makes a Straw man of Science?

I’ve read his ideas which are un-scientific, however he just re-defines Science to not include things based on maths, thereby his “Theory” is Scientific…seriously his reasoning is crazy. There is no conspiracy involving Science to stop every whack job having his own pet theory put forward, nobody is censoring anybody - by definition the Science world is not going to seriously put any effort into looking at every Tom Dick and Harry’s un-scientific theories.

Have you seen the guy’s website…it’s insane and says nothing of any value :smiley:

Do you have any reason to believe that?

I have no comment on points I agree with or other pertinent points.

Bill has helped answer some of the biggest questions in my life, such as …Which way do my ropes spin? Thanks Bill, for the science and the hair…

Lol…this is too funny…TBH his whole theory about concepts being separate from objects and light being particles totally breaks down for objects smaller than the wavelength of light. He says these are concepts not objects, because they only exist as mathematical objects - its a weird argument. Mathematical proofs have no value basically - he views everything from the perspective of the observer/person and his arguments get very self-contradictory very quickly.

Here’s a more Scientific schematic of the Human Brain:

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ok ok…I just hugged a money tree and made peace with ‘science’ …I’m hoping for a gene transfer

Many animals, including humans, acquired essential ‘foreign’ genes from microorganisms co-habiting their environment in ancient times, according to research published in the open access journal Genome Biology. The study challenges the conventional view that animal evolution relies solely on genes passed down through ancestral lines and suggests that, at least in some lineages, the process is still ongoing.

Needless to say, I will be monitoring my bank balance.

Do you have any reason to believe that?

When you start talking about parallel universes, particles coming from the future to affect past measurements etc. you are quite heavily in the realm of religion.

And when i know that many quantum computing experiments have in later analysis turned out to be classical computing (you can find this fact even on wikipedia) – do they even have a clue what quantum computing should be or is it just more of the same smoke and mirrors?

Finally entanglement we hear so much about. If two particles actually were entangled, it would be possible to transfer information faster than speed of light. And it would break the current paradigm.

I could go on and on about science gone religion; black hole singularities, dark matter and energy, big bang creation event, but this post is long enough already.