Solid on SAFE Updates

Solid on SAFE Micro Update

Despite being on holiday, or perhaps because of it, I’ve made some great progress this week. I’ve tested my libraries with three different apps, which is really encouraging because each uses different builds of the Solid on SAFE libraries in different ways, and each has a different workflow for login etc.

And a special mention for the incredible @Dimitar who has translated my recent Solid on SAFE Update into Bulgarian! And he made the graphic above which I have stolen :grimacing:

Surprises coming from all directions this week. Thank you very much Dimitar, you really are an incredibly helpful and hard working chap.

Solid Apps and Libraries

I now have three libraries that enable a Solid app to work on SAFE, including using a SAFE WebID via the experimental drop down in SAFE Browser.

These apps are all virtually unmodified, and can be deployed as is on either Solid/web, or SAFE Network:

  • Plume blog - as before, but now getting author info from your SAFE WebID profile and logging in using Solid only code (no SAFE specific hacks)! (github).
  • Solid Filemanager - view, create and edit files at any SAFE location. (github)
  • Solid IDE - view, edit and test your web apps / web pages directly in the browser using ace editor (with syntax colouring, and key bindings for popular code editors). (github)

And the Solid on SAFE Libraries I support are:

All of which use SafenetworkJS to talk to SAFE using a Solid LDP interface via fetch() and/or rdflib.js Fetcher.

Getting a Solid app working on SAFE can be as simple as replacing the Solid library with the Solid on SAFE equivalent (and crossing your fingers :wink:).