So, what got you interested in MaidSafe and SAFE Network in the first place?

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: MaidSafeCoin (MAID) - Price & Trading topic

First became interested to investigate further after hearing about MaidSafe on the Keiser Report of all places! Its the usual carrot and stick dynamic :carrot: :straight_ruler:

The stick represented by the blatant corruption and hypocrisy of Banks, MSM, Scripted Politicians etc engaging in weird, restricted, self serving narratives and hidden agendas, whilst censoring alternative views, news and proper natural discourse.

The carrot represented by any new networked system that can provide a more trusted foundation for the emergent properties from the network effect to evolve by consensus, without centralised interference or restriction. Where the whole can have a chance to become greater than the sum of parts.

As a web developer I’m also interested in new innovative ways to extend reach with richer experiences that can create positive results. Whats most interesting is how such systems could be used to create new self sustaining ‘eco systems’, to bring about a more ‘collaborative’ (win-win) type evolution for particpants, moving away from the ‘survival of the fittest’ (I win at your expense) type of mentality. I’ve lately been exploring such ideas as Daniel Wahl’s Regenerative (R)evolution which examines ideas around whole system design that can help evolve optimum collaborative experiences for all participants. Very interesting stuff :slight_smile:


A talk by Nick. I have the good luck to be living in Scotland. As a person interested in non-cryptocurrency related blockchain/decentralization development. I am really really interested in what MaidSafe has to offer.


Hi there,

I was watching a presentation video on the blockchain, “From zero to blockchain”, and I was on the chapter 3 of the educational presentation where I noticed SAFE network video, I turned it on and it catched my attention and my interest on the technology behind it. So I immediately signed up here to know more about SAFE. I am still going through the topics :smiley: