Simple GUI for Testnets?

Thank you for this question!..

It prompted that I search for “rust GUI” and then find an fltk Mo_Al_ - YouTube which becomes just a copy paste exercise for creating a simple window with tabs and adding in bits, makes the difference. So, within an hour I had something more than I expected.

So, to answer the question - very easy… a bit of spare time over a couple of weeks and I have this below. If all you have is an idea, it seems that rust makes that possible… not rocket science; more like waking up and being able to speak a new language…

The difficulty comes trying to push the limit of what is possible and polish clinks in what is available as copy-paste … so, fltk is a work in progress and without a GPU seems not to render perfectly; still it is extraordinary - more of fltk at fltk - Rust

So, an example of what is possible then…

This works only on LInux 64bit atm and only works in the sense of tempting that with a network it would be useful… but if you have and old safe instance installed it should just try to work and fail on no responses from the network… saves files and logs to ./Downloads/

If you want to give it a go, download binary:
Make it executable and run with

chmod +x ./hammer


and it works in 56 languages - picks up the user preferred language or you can force it with two letter iso8601 code like

hammer el
hammer zh

I spent lot more time trying to get cross compiling working than learning rust!.. and still not there… I can do gnu Windows binary but not MSVC; and zig doesn’t work OSx for fltk but I guess native machines might compile… though it’s setup for Linux with safe > log and I don’t know if Windows and Mac bash action exactly the same… and what option there is if Windows does not have bash. Still, useful for me learning the basics of rust. :+1:

We’ll see what difference the new testnet is but any of the basic commands being the same, this above should just work, as it’s just making request to the CLI. The advantage of that over trying to integrate it, is that you can close the GUI and terminal and the download and logs will still capture what the network responds with. There are more complex questions about how to allow the user control to stop existing requests but it works as a useful graphic coversheet on the CLI, which in part answers a question! :smiley:

edit: added Windows binary which is set to use START \B instead of bash