Seriously, even paying $1 MILLION USD to get listed on big exchanges is WELL WORTH the money!

This is not what was said though was it?

Is what was said.

Are you seriously proposing maidsafe the company spend almost all of their reserves to list a coin they would have to sell to get those listings?

That is deceitful and also insulting. If you think a CEO of a company in this space has less than a basic understanding of the market then you are being unintelligent or insulting. If you think we would indulge in insider preferential treatment then you are way off the mark. It is illegal for a private company to give any shareholder preferential treatment in the UK. Insider trading may not be illegal in a private company (but would be immoral, esp in this case as we would be taking cash form our supporters), but preferential shareholder treatment is and it is serious.

I cannot thank you enough for your permission to run our company :wink:


How about being patient? If you are so convinced that MAID is undervalued solely because it isn’t listed somewhere else, then the current situation gives you the opportunity of a lifetime. You should be out there buying all you can at this low price. Anyone who has followed this project for a while knows that the guys aren’t interested in the quick buck. If that is your interest you are probably in the wrong place. I’d love to see it at $10 tomorrow as I’d have considerable personal gain, but it is more fun watching this grow. This exchange talk is just a distraction.


just peeking in here, sorry for your frustration Mr Irvine don’t let people get to you, we’re all here with you guys through all this. Everyone on this forum cares deeply in their own way

But $200k reserves left for MaidSafe? I hope I’m misunderstanding. That’s only a few months or so right, with a 30+ person team?


Soon all the exchanges requesting a fee for listing will ask for maidsafe permission to add the coin for free as it will be requested by the exchange users itself… Lets hope


Something that has always frustrated me about the internet: You are always being placed in a position to “trust” the maturity, knowledge and motive of the poster, without knowing much about his/her status or agenda. On first perusal, a junior high school student (not claiming @foreverjoyful is) can come across as serious as a reputable scientist in a short paragraph and then it is up to you to dig deeper to try and ascertain the legitimacy of the source. Anonymity is sometimes a great thing, sometimes not.


You are … (20 chars)


The amount of ignorance that you seep in your posts reveals that you never had a formal financial training.

Your “intuitive experience” by being a cryptotrader is irrelevant, you fail to grasp basic notions of investments as you don’t even understand basic terminology, that exposes your level of informality in this subject.

If you are seriously considering inside trading as a form of “making money”, there is nothing else to discuss here. You would get your ass in jail in the real world.

The only reason it kinda feels like an acceptable behavior in your mind, is because these last 10 years in crypto it has been the wild west all over again. To think it is a sound strategy confirms that you have no freaking idea what you are talking about.

Go finish your exams, and don’t cheat.


Thanks for taking the time to reply, I’ll return in kind.

I did not make this statement, I simply said “IF you have a basic understanding of the market, you’ll know X” that’s very different than stating “you do not have a basic understanding of the market”. I do apologise for making you misinterpret that. And I could be wrong, I don’t know everything(including the company reserves), hence I’ll let everyone access themselves, given the evidence.

Look, of course ultimately it’s your call. I think your decisions would have an affect on the growth of the community and hence the eventual adoption of the Safenetwork, hence why I’m trying my best to help.

Anyway I hope you’ll make the best decisions and hope all the best for the team! Adios for now.

Haha quite late for me :slight_smile:

Never been so happy to learn I’m misunderstanding :smiley:




Agreed. 20 chars…

Edit :

It’s pretty obvious that MaidSafe (led by dirvine and nlambert) have been making the best decisions one could possibly make for this project since day 1. It’s a unique project that prioritizes quality over expediency… just one reason why most of us here are are trying to contribute and help in the small ways we can.


Money well spent :joy:


MAID the token has served its purpose just fine, remember its just a proxy token from the ICO to FUND the development of the network. Safe Coin will be the real deal and its value will be derived by the network and users looking to utilize the innovations the network brings to the table(as well as massive crypto speculation as always :slight_smile: ). Silly to sit here arguing for pumping the proxy token when the company has enough funding to complete development of the real network. Imagine when Safe Coin is around you think they should go back through and repay multi millions to get the real token listed as well on exchanges? Huge waste of time and funds.


I am yet to see a sustained boost in price post new listing unless it was coordinated with an actual project progression that inherently increased the project’s worth. I’m all for new exchanges, but I think it’s time for the exchanges to ask Maidsafe nicely, extort no listing fees, and be grateful they get to partake in building the future.


If money is the big bottleneck to get listed on a big exchange, then there is a ‘nice’ way of getting around that without hurting the development. That’s how all companies do that; raising extra money by issuing extra stocks. So in our case issuing extra MAID coins.

So what does this mean. According to CMC there are now 452.552.412 coins. Let’s say we increase that amount to 460.000.000. Maidsafe will start a new ICO for 7.447.588 ECR20 coins at a price little bit lower than the price at that moment. Let’s pick 45 cents as example.
Money raised: 7.447.588 * $0.45 = $3.35M

Of course your MAID gets diluted.
Current price : $0.480
Current market cap : 217.225.157

Let’s say the market cap will remain the same.
Diluted price will be : 217.225.157 / 460.000.000 = $0.472

So worst case it will cost us all max 1 cent per MAID

This 1 cent, what does it give us?

  • Listing on Binance and some others
  • ECR20 token
  • ICOs gets lot of media attention (priceless!!, no marketing team can beat that)
  • New buyers
  • More people aware of the project, so new developers, so extra growth of the project!!
  • Money leftover from the ICO can be used on the project itself

But we all know that the price will go up after getting listed on a big exchange.
And that will be more than 1 cent…so it’s basically a free ride. (or even profitable)


  • confusing because of extra coin
  • spending some FTE

Maybe I am missing something, but it looks like a valid business case to me.


You have

No one has supplied causation proof that listing on a big exchange causes the price to rise. As @Sotros25 says the rise in price after initial p&D only comes on the back of actual progress or continued fake hype. The big exchange does bring increased exposure, but as some coins have seen this was a negative rather than a positive.

But let them come to us as @Sotros25 says, and lets continue with the 2 exchanges mentioned in Devcon to start with and list with others that are not profiteering off the projects.


It depends. If your coin is already listed on some nice exchanges, yes, it will be just the hype that will make it surge, it has no added value by listing it on another nice exchange, it will host probably the same buyers.

But in our case it’s not the case, MAID will be exposed to new investors that had no access to MAID before.

But anyway, personnaly I think the extra attention is the most important as i will get you more developers and therefor a bigger SAFE network. It’s worth 1 cent.

Dilution is a dumb idea for so many reasons.


Why? It all depends on the case. In this case your ROI as holder is quite positive.
Besides, your MAID coins get diluted anyway after launch.
And when you change nothing about the final amount of Safecoins in circulation, then there is no extra dilution at all at the very end :astonished:

Patience is a virtue for a very good reason.