Secure Messaging

Would there be an advantage of using the axolotl protocol for messaging to gain perfect forward secrecy?

Right now i am using the messenger Signal, and i believe that people would find it easier to use the SAFEnet messaging in the future, when they find it “as secure” as Signal (+ decentralized + anonymous if you want to).

Thanks for all your hard work!! Keep on enjoying what you do, its just fantastic!! :slightly_smiling:


[quote=“Pazu, post:1, topic:7485”]

Not had time to look deeply at this but it would not be hard to test by the looks of it GitHub - mjewkes/Axolotl-Rust: Axolotl protocol written in Rust


I hope somebody does, i would love it :slightly_smiling:

Thanks for your reply!

Forward secrecy can be achieved by using a “throw-a-way” ID to send the message. There is then no way to trace back who actually sent it.