Second test for the safenetforum bridge

New Topic on Reddit by rid-dim

The speed of the bridge should be tremendously increased

Feels free to give feedback =) I very much appreciate it :slight_smile:

Link to Reddit:



Speed test 1 2 speed test


A first test comment to verify it’s up and running

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=) nice - you recognized it



For now it’s only the one topic that I add manually that is being synced - the ability to sync multiple topics (and to add topics automatically but moderated will follow next week =)


RESULTS:. Commented on Reddit, loaded discourse, loaded topic, comment wasn’t there, refreshed topic, comment appeared. :grinning:

Having to wait six minutes to reply with results (could be because I am on a new Reddit account?).

hm? - shouldn’t be 6 minutes - i just was a little bit slow xD

I have a feeling the six minutes is because it is a new Reddit account for me.


Hmmm don’t know enough about reddit to say anything qualified to this :thinking:

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Would having reddit-bridge1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 help with speed of posting. Keep a pointer to last used and then post?

You could have 60 to cover the minute?

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I wrote the bridge using pythons multiprocessing library - the different topics that are supposed to be synchronized will get their own processes so that api requests don’t block each other =)

At least I hope (and the tests i made today seemed to show it will work) the updating speed will only be as slow as the slowest api request and not as slow as all requests executed one after the other :slight_smile:

(and we’re currently at one post every 6 seconds if you mean the possible posting speed at reddit - with additional karma we’ll even get faster =) the limiting factor will be the answering speed of the forum api no longer the reddit side of the synchronization : )




Can I get to comment with my Reddit account since it is the same username on both sites ?
That would be too good

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Uhm Oo you’d need to give me your login credentials =D so better not ;D
(aaaand it would be additional programming I’d need to do - and I am a big fan of never change a running system xD… So… Sorry my friend but your messages will appear just as comments from the bridge ; )

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Check if it still syncs

Nice - seems to run reliable =)


You could probably sell a sponsorship link to be placed at the end or begining of the first root post for a technology like this. A nice tastefull small link or graphic.

Any company / business owners out there want a deal?


Added two hidden syncs that run in the background


Stress test for the bridge

badaaam - let’s see how this runs now Oo