Safenetwork Git Portal Discussion

Progress Update

Much to my amazement the concept is just about proven. I really didn’t expect this to go smoothly, but with help in a few areas it has been incredibly smooth.

Given this was only hatched as an idea mid October, I’m very pleased. That’s under two months! :partying_face:

p2p git portal abilities

  • clone repository
  • new repository
  • display commits
  • add/display issues (no UI for adding yet)

Help! I’m still looking for help with the Svelte UI/UX and with back-end style tasks in Golang (both are easy to learn and fun to use). This is a rare opportunity to learn (with my help) while building something useful that you believe in. I’ve not broken these down but there’s a summary on github in Activity & Opportunities to Help

It is mainly a test harness just now, but demonstrates that the essentials of a github like git code collaboration portal can be implemented without server side code using Golang/Wasm libraries I have found (with minimal tweaks so far).

Try It Out

The curious can try the above features here (be aware it doesn’t show progress and cloning a repo can take a while): (If you want to clone you need to set up a proxy as described here or use a browser plugin to disable CORS checks in the browser).

Note: upload is not yet integrated, so forget for now.

It’s Not Over Yet

There are many features not implemented, but I’ve shown that they should be possible, though there are limitations to the approach.

The main difficulty is the size of the bundle with a 12MB Go runtime, the current demo is 16MB which is a lot for a web app. There might be ways around this, and it does make it questionable whether to continue working with Go until that is solved, but we know where we stand and to be honest it might be worth the first visit load time. It’s also going to be possible to bundle this into a desktop app using Tauri, so that’s also an option.